Search results for: “Invasive Species”

  • Spooky Animals in Florida

    Spooky Animals in Florida

    With Halloween around the corner, you’re probably seeing some pretty spooky decorations. These trinkets and trimmings often feature animals found in your own backyard. Bats, spiders, snakes— maybe you’ve wondered how these animals came to be known as harrowing Halloween mascots. IDEAS For Us is here to show some appreciation to the spooky animals right…

  • Orchid Delirium and Conservation

    Orchid Delirium and Conservation

    Orchid Delirium and Conservation Orchid Delirium and Conservation. Why are Florida orchids so special? Florida is an incredibly bio-diverse state that is capable of fostering all sorts of life sufficiently. Florida’s original native orchid population has been destroyed through the encroachment of civilization. It’s hard to believe that there was once a time where these now…

  • Herbicides in Our Natural Water Bodies

    Herbicides in Our Natural Water Bodies

    Herbicides in Our Natural Water Bodies Herbicides in our natural water bodies. Have you ever visited a natural waterbody and noticed plants dying along the shoreline? This may be due to the spraying of synthetic herbicides. What are herbicides and how do they affect the health of our local environments? Could local groups remove invasive…

  • Toxic Algae in Your Florida Pond: How to Stop It

    Toxic Algae in Your Florida Pond: How to Stop It

    Toxic Algae in Your Florida Pond: How to Stop It Toxic algae in your Florida pond. Cypress trees, canna lilies, duckweed, eelgrass, and algae. Turtles lounging on the shore, and a white heron keeps watch. Sounds pristine and perhaps a somewhat rare scene in HOA communities, and business areas, right? Ponds covered with algae and…

  • Enforce Policies, Preserve Forests in Romania!

    Enforce Policies, Preserve Forests in Romania!

    Romania’s Carpathian Mountains are amongst Europe’s most sacred and impeccable lands, providing a home to approximately 65% of the European wildlife population. Bears, wolves, and wildcats are the dominant species that reside in this region and rely on the of prosperity of their forested habitat for survival. The commercialization of Romania’s timber has led to…

  • Environmental Solutions Archive

    Environmental Solutions Project Archive Changing The World Through Local Action IDEAS For Us (IDEAS) is active in both developed and developing nations. Every project and program we launch shares the collective aim to help people, heal the planet, and grow prosperity at the community level through the education, engagement, and empowerment of those we serve. Since…