Search results for: “Green Jobs”
5 Unexpected Impacts of Climate Change
Climate change has been a popular topic of discussion and debate for years, and it shows no signs of slowing down. If nothing is done to stop or slow down the impacts of climate change, it could lead to things like increased natural disasters, water scarcity, and the expansion of tropical diseases. Most people are…
All About The Build Back Better Act
On November 19th, 2021, the House passed the Build Back Better Act (BBBA) with a close 220 to 213 vote.1 Now that the BBBA is onto the Senate, let’s look at what the bill contains for fighting the climate crisis as it proposes a total of $555 billion in clean energy and climate investments.2 PHOTO…
Coral Bleaching: Why It’s An Issue and Ways to Stop It
Coral reefs, the “rain forests of the sea,” are a vital part of the biodiversity seen on this planet. Because, these large structures are home to many diverse species who depend on them for survival. What is Coral Bleaching? Coral bleaching is the process of coral expelling the symbiotic zooxanthellae (algae) living in their tissues1.…
Drilling in ANWR…Let’s Talk About It
President Biden suspended drilling leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) earlier this month.1 Here’s why drilling should be avoided.
Wind Energy in the U.S.
Wind energy is on the rise. Between 2000 and 2020, the total electricity generated from wind in the US increased from 6 billion kWh to 338 billion kWh.1 Wind energy is predicted to save “consumers $280 billion by 2050”2 and it’s also affordable with wind generation agreements usually offering 20-year fixed pricing. Wind energy also…
Solar Energy: 10 Reasons to Adopt It
Solar Energy: 10 Reasons to Adopt It Solar energy. Currently, solar power is all the rage; therefore, I am sure you have heard about all the advantages of tapping the sun to meet your daily energy requirements. And with all the world’s governments doing everything possible to reduce their carbon footprint, then it’s about time…
Biden Rejoins Paris Climate Agreement
Biden Rejoins Paris Climate Agreement. What does this mean and how will this affect our future? As part of his plan for the first 100 days of his presidency, America’s new President Joe Biden has rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement. The Paris Climate Agreement is an international treaty with the goal to combat climate change.…
Rural Women Lead Environmentalism
Rural Women Lead Environmentalism Rural women lead environmentalism. SDGs: #5 (Gender Equality), #10 (Reduced Inequalities), #13 (Climate Action) Rachel Carson. Marjory Stoneman Douglas. Jane Goodall. These names are likely familiar to you if you’ve studied important figures in environmental movements. While these women made important strides for women-led environmentalism, women that live in agriculturally-based communities…
Making Your Office an Eco-Friendly Workspace
You’ve pledged a more eco-conscious lifestyle for 2020. Recycling correctly: check. Composting: check. Thrifting: You wonder why you hadn’t done it sooner. But now you’re on to tackling bigger challenges: making your job an eco-friendly workspace . From thousands of sheets of paper lost to mistake prints to food scraps piled in trash bins, office…
Energy Bill Takes Fight Back to Basics in Florida
Known for its enchanting beaches, secluded springs and year-round sunshine, Florida brims with natural resources. And lately, it’s made great strides in using those resources for good. Consider what the state has accomplished this year alone. In January, Florida Power and Light Co., the state’s largest electric provider, made an announcement. They plan to install…