The IDEAS For Us Blog

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IDEAS For Us (IDEAS) is an Orlando-based 501(c)(3) grassroots non-profit organization and accredited NGO of the United Nations. IDEAS creates global environmental solutions through local action.

Climate Change Isn’t the Only Threat to Ginnie Springs.

Climate Change Isn’t the Only Threat to Ginnie Springs: Nestle Plans to Deplete Florida’s Aquifers” could be: “Learn about the multiple threats facing Ginnie Springs and Florida’s aquifers. Discover how IdeasForUs is raising awareness about Nestle’s plans to deplete these vital water sources. Explore the consequences of water extraction, the importance of sustainable water management, and how you can join us in protecting Ginnie Springs and preserving Florida’s natural resources.

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IDEAS For Us (IDEAS) is an Orlando-based 501(c)(3) grassroots non-profit organization and accredited NGO of the United Nations. IDEAS creates global environmental solutions through local action.