Search results for: “Biodiversity”

  • 17 UN SDGs: How IDEAS for US is Making a Sustainable Impact

    17 UN SDGs: How IDEAS for US is Making a Sustainable Impact

    Looking for ways to make a positive impact on the world? IDEAS for US is an organization that promotes sustainable practices and environmental conservation, aligning with all 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). From reducing poverty to protecting the planet, IDEAS for US works to empower individuals and communities through sustainable living practices, entrepreneurship,…

  • Kissimmee River Restoration

    Kissimmee River Restoration

    Recent headlines have applauded the success of the complete restoration of the Kissimmee River in Florida. In 1962, the U.S Army Corps of Engineers began straightening the once 103-mile river in an attempt to provide flood protection to developing lands in the area surrounding the floodplain. However, almost immediately, the landscape began to experience significant…

  • Biochar and Regenerative Farming

    Biochar and Regenerative Farming

    The history of agriculture has seen the rise and fall of numerous practices, each with its own set of pros and cons. However, the current state of the environment demands that we take a closer look at our farming methods and make changes for the better. One solution that has been gaining momentum is the…

  • Pakistan

    IDEAS For Us – Branches Pakistan Branch About This Branch IDEAS For Us Pakistan was launched in 2022 with the goal of bringing environmental action to the region of Punjab. Our branch leader and founder, Muhammad Ajlal, is working to mobilize his community in eco action projects, with a focus on the needs of his…

  • St. Johns River: Water Management Spotlight

    St. Johns River: Water Management Spotlight

    The longest river that begins and ends within the state of Florida is the St. Johns. Originating at Blue Cypress Lake, the St. Johns River meanders over 300 miles north to its terminus in the Atlantic Ocean near Jacksonville.1,2 At its southern end, the river is shallow and marsh-like, scarcely navigable by boat. As it works…

  • The Florida Wildlife Corridor

    The Florida Wildlife Corridor

    Habitat loss and fragmentation are some of the primary causes of declining plant and animal populations. The Florida Wildlife Corridor protects almost 700 different plant and animal species by conserving and connecting habitats all over the state. This includes the mighty Florida Panther, The West Indian Manatee, and the Gopher Tortoise. This blog dives into…

  • Orange County Transportation Tax

    Orange County Transportation Tax

    Are you experiencing climate anxiety, too?   I don’t know about everyone else, but climate anxiety and even climate grief have been hitting me hard recently. We’ve seen some intense natural disasters this year, like monumental flooding in Pakistan and the devastating Hurricane Ian. In 2021, we saw disasters like the Colorado Marshall Fire, during…

  • Paper Is Better Than Plastic: 3 Reasons Why

    Paper Is Better Than Plastic: 3 Reasons Why

    Does anyone else remember being taught in elementary school that plastic is more environmentally friendly than paper? More specifically, the idea was that plastic is infinitely renewed through recycling, and, opposingly, that trees are a nonrenewable resource. While this might sound like a valid concept, it’s far from the truth. Instead, many qualities of paper make…

  • Sustainable Communities Worldwide

    Sustainable Communities Worldwide

    While we’re not close to reversing climate change any time soon, we’ve all come a long way in becoming self-aware and striving to change our lifestyles to be more sustainable. In a recent study, 46% of US, China, and UK residents said that they’re doing all they can to live more sustainably. And, currently, 100+…

  • Personhood and Rights for the Environment

    Personhood and Rights for the Environment

    Did you know that animals and bodies of water can be recognized as people? According to the National Geographic, this is called personhood where legally “an entity has the capacity for rights or responsibilities.” The Case of Happy In the past, personhood rulings in the courts of the United States have related to animals. The…