Uganda Water Aid

Uganda's Water Status

Uganda water aid is an important global issue since Uganda is in a water crisis. Water is a necessary component of all living things. So, access to safe, clean water should be a basic human right. However, 40% of the global population experiences water scarcity, of which many communities in Uganda are included. The Republic of Uganda is facing a severe water crisis stemming from the stress of economic growth over the past two decades. As more people migrate from rural areas to urban centers, there is an economic growth. This migration puts a strain on the land and its resources.


19% of Ugandans only have access to streams, ponds, and man-made wells as a source of drinking water. However, several unsanitary distributions of waste and chemicals have made these drinking water sources unsafe. Additionally, due to poor septic management, large amounts of human waste, soil sediment, fertilizer, and mud all make their way into the water sources. According to the Borgen Project, “The water crisis in Uganda also results in 32% of Ugandans having to travel more than 30 minutes to access safe drinking water.” The time spent on accessing water decreases time and ability to work. This also hinders the ability to maintain the household and take care of children.  


Furthermore, children are often pulled out of school due to illnesses caused by a waterborne disease. In Uganda, over 25% of students will drop out of school because of water-related illnesses.

28 million people lack access to clean, safe drinking water.


Kiburara Primary School

Many initiatives have been undergone to combat the water crisis facing Uganda. IDEAS For Us has committed to providing clean drinking water for elementary school children at the Kiburara Primary School. Kiburara Primary School is a government-aided Primary Seven School. There is a current enrollment of over four hundred Pupils. Kiburara Primary School was first established back in the 1970s. Since then it has had little to no access to sustainable clean drinking water and electricity. 


So what has IDEAS For Us done to support the Kiburara Primary School?

Starting back in 2021, the IDEAS For Us Uganda team, in partnership with the Nika Hosseini Foundation, has initiated a project to establish electricity and install an in-ground well for the school and its garden. Additionally, with support from the Nika Hosseini Foundation, the school has already gained electricity and water pumps. However, the project is not yet complete.


IDEAS For Us–Uganda has continued supporting the project in many ways. Recently, IDEAS For Us has begun a fundraiser to raise the money needed to provide safe drinking water to Kiburara. The money will be used towards the installation of electric extensions to charge the water pumps. This will allow for the clean groundwater to reach the faucets in the schools. 


Please donate to support our team in finalizing this project by the end of the summer, in time for the fall semester.


All proceeds will be going to the IDEAS For Us-Uganda team. Donations are tax-deductible, and Facebook takes care of the donation processing with no fees.


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