IDEAS For Us - Branches

Rwanda Branch

About This Branch

IDEAS For Rwanda was founded in 2017 after John Bosco Gakumba became the fifth IREX Fellow to IDEAS For Us and traveled to Orlando, Florida for a four-month immersion program from August to December of 2016. The United States Department of State specially selected him as a candidate and IDEAS selected him for the program. John is from Kigali, Rwanda and when IDEAS lead an expedition there in July of 2017, a branch at KLM University in Kigali was rapidly established. IDEAS For KLM is a University branch of IDEAS in the capital city of Kigali.

The official and current IDEAS For Us – Rwanda Branch was created by Keneth Bahati and Richard Manishimwe on 25 Sept 2017 in Kicukiro district kanombe sector remera cell. It started with 7 members who shared ideas and the way they can spread over the country.

The branch has had the challenge of very few resources but has found success in realizing projects such as community garden installations, waste management, Umuganda action days, and more.

Environmental Challenges

  • Soil erosion due to deforestation
  • Loss of habitats due to overpopulation
  • Decrease in soil fertility over time with agricultural use
  • Lack of clean energy, while using trees for cookstoves/lanterns
  • Decrease in species conservation due to poaching



The IDEAS Hive meeting occurs twice a month on Sundays 16:00- 18:00 (4 PM to 6 PM).

Please reach out to to connect with the current leaders OR follow IDEAS For Us – Rwanda on Facebook and Instagram to learn more.


IDEAS For Rwanda and the subsequent branches are run by extraordinary individuals. Our country director is Kenneth Bahati.


Richard Hus B (

Kenneth Bahati (

Akshal Kamali (

Support Action Projects in Rwanda

Project 1: IDEAS Hive Support

Objective 1: Support long term climate action dialogue through the monthly IDEAS Hive meeting.


Goal 1A:  Bring in experts in various fields of sustainability, focusing on Energy, Water, Food, Waste, and Ecology.

Goal 1B: Plan monthly action projects with the organizers and attendees of each IDEAS Hive to combat each environmental challenge brought up in discussion.

Project 2: Tree Planting with Long term Care

Objective 1: Plant various native and fruiting trees through Kigali while mobilizing all generations to participate in climate action projects.

Goal 1A:  Combat soil erosion through the native tree plantings root structures as well as have the opportunity to provide fruit to the villagers.

Goal 1B: Help to reduce the heat island effect while contributing to the local microclimate.

Project 3: Community Garden Installation

Objective 1: Partner with a local community center to install an educational garden to increase food security.


Goal 1A:  Have an educational resource in the neighborhood to demonstrate successful urban agricultural models that have the potential to sustain jobs.

Goal 1B: Destigmatize careers in agriculture, showing the younger generation that farming is a great occupation that can be a valued resource in the community.

Previous Projects

IDEAS For KLM has focused on the Ecology and Waste Pillars in the action projects they have conducted. This includes trash clean-ups and tree plantings for children at schools who are faced with food insecurity.


Urban farming projects were launched in 2016 in a small village called NYIRAHABINEZA VENANCIA as well as in Rulindo District Bushoki Sector Gasiza cell. Participants suggest this project has been a great resource for them, and now getting vegetable is easier, budgeting for produce is better, more access to vegetables has helped locals, and food born illnesses have been reduced. 


Every month, the IDEAS Hive Kigali meet to discuss environmental challenges throughout the region paired with lectures from experts in the field of sustainability. Then, action projects are implemented in each focus area to help bring the community together for climate action. To learn more, please email and see how you can get involved in more of these projects!


The IDEAS Hive meeting occurs twice a month on Sundays 16:00- 18:00 (4 PM to 6 PM).


Please reach out to to connect with the current leaders OR follow IDEAS For Us – Rwanda on Facebook to learn more.

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