Search results for: “Land Conservation”

  • Biden’s $1.1 B Everglades Restoration Plan

    Biden’s $1.1 B Everglades Restoration Plan

    The Florida Everglades, a vast ecosystem that nearly covered 11,000 square miles1 of Southern Florida, was given another chance when the Biden administration granted $1.1 billion of a $14 billion bipartisan infrastructure bill 7 towards its restoration. At over a billion dollars, it is the largest single investment in the Everglades7. This funding is part…

  • Deep Sea Mining

    Deep Sea Mining

    Deep Sea Mining Deep sea mining. Is it an environmental resource or a disaster? The practice has become a controversial topic in recent years. Some believe it is a great alternative to terrestrial mining, which is now on the decline. Others say the damage could outweigh the good.    Scouring the Deep: What is DSM and…

  • 10 Edible Invasive in Florida

    10 Edible Invasive in Florida

    10 Edible Invasive in Florida 10 Edible invasive in Florida. Invasive plants are one of the main reasons biodiversity in Florida is on a steady decline. These invasive species are often able to outcompete native plants, animals, and even insects for essential resources whether that is food, shelter, or other basic needs. Biodiversity refers to…

  • All About The Build Back Better Act

    All About The Build Back Better Act

    On November 19th, 2021, the House passed the Build Back Better Act (BBBA) with a close 220 to 213 vote.1  Now that the BBBA is onto the Senate, let’s look at what the bill contains for fighting the climate crisis as it proposes a total of $555 billion in clean energy and climate investments.2 PHOTO…

  • IDEAS For Us Donor Dashboard

    IDEAS For Us Donor Dashboard

    Welcome to the IDEAS For Us Donor Dashboard, where your commitment to environmental sustainability takes center stage. This interactive platform is designed to provide you with a seamless and transparent view of your contributions and their impact. By logging into your personal dashboard, you can easily manage your donations, track the progress of projects you’re…

  • Heat Waves in the United States

    Heat Waves in the United States

    What Causes Heat Waves? A heat wave happens when there are three or more days of unusually high maximum and minimum temperatures1. Heat waves are caused by a system of high atmospheric pressure moving into a certain area2.To be considered a heat wave, temperatures have to be outside the historical average2.  2021 Heat Waves in…

  • Coral Bleaching: Why It’s An Issue and Ways to Stop It

    Coral Bleaching: Why It’s An Issue and Ways to Stop It

    Coral reefs, the “rain forests of the sea,” are a vital part of the biodiversity seen on this planet. Because, these large structures are home to many diverse species who depend on them for survival. What is Coral Bleaching? Coral bleaching is the process of coral expelling the symbiotic zooxanthellae (algae) living in their tissues1.…

  • Organic Farming

    Organic Farming

    Organic Farming: Your Complete Guide Organic farming: your complete guide. What is organic? The United States Drug Administration (USDA) describes organic agriculture as “the application of a set of cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that support the cycling of on-farm resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity.”1  Organic producers use only natural materials and processes…

  • Protecting‌ ‌‌Sea‌ ‌Turtles‌ ‌‌ ‌

    Protecting‌ ‌‌Sea‌ ‌Turtles‌ ‌‌ ‌

    Protecting‌ ‌‌Sea‌ ‌Turtles‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ Protecting sea turtles…how do we go about it? These are one of the ancient species, and they lived in the time of dinosaurs. Sea turtles are the oldest marine turtle was dated back to 120 million years, according to fossil fuel1. Fun Facts: Sea Turtles could hold their breath…

  • Drilling in ANWR…Let’s Talk About It

    Drilling in ANWR…Let’s Talk About It

    President Biden suspended drilling leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) earlier this month.1 Here’s why drilling should be avoided.