Search results for: “Land Conservation”

  • 10 Natural Springs in Florida You Must Visit

    10 Natural Springs in Florida You Must Visit

    Blue Spring State Park This state park is located in Orange City, Florida that features a cool water spring on the St. John’s river. The spring is home to manatees, alligators, and a variety of fish. With over 8,000 Google reviews, it’s clear that many people enjoy visiting Blue Spring State Park. They have an…

  • Environmental Leadership: Kenya Inspired Me

    Environmental Leadership: Kenya Inspired Me

    Environmental Leadership: Kenya Inspired Me Environmental Leadership: How Growing Up in Kenya Inspired Me. Retreating glaciers, drought, increased CO2 levels in the atmosphere, COVID 19, poverty, petropolitics, biodiversity loss; far too many disasters prove we have a debt to pay to our planet and our people, a duty to evolve society around sustainable ways of…

  • Eco-Friendly Gardening for Birds

    Eco-Friendly Gardening for Birds

    Eco-Friendly Gardening for Birds Eco-Friendly Gardening for Birds. Recently, birds are experiencing habitat loss and the overwhelming impact of climate change. Hazards for these creatures are also expected to grow over time. With all of these dangers lurking around, you can help by turning your garden into an eco-friendly environment to save birds.  Our feathered…

  • 10 Easy Ways to Conserve Water Daily

    10 Easy Ways to Conserve Water Daily

    10 Easy Ways to Conserve Water Daily. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the average American uses approximately 88 gallons of water a day (1). Not only is this excessive usage of water detrimental to the environment, but it is also a costly issue. Keep reading to find out how you can reduce…

  • Kenya

    IDEAS For Us – Branches Kenya About This Branch IDEAS For Us Kenya was founded in 2020 by young environmental leaders from WildNow Foundation, a conservation organization in Kenya that works to advance sustainability and protect endangered species. They are using the IDEAS model to expand their environmental education and action efforts in their community…

  • Environmental Books: 12 For 2021

    Environmental Books: 12 For 2021

    Environmental Books: 12 for 2021  Environmental books. 2020 is drawing to a close. But 2021 will be another year to move forward in combating climate change, and making positive changes both locally and globally. To help inspire and gain momentum, take a break with one of these environmental books. They will remind you why we…

  • Toxic Algae in Your Florida Pond: How to Stop It

    Toxic Algae in Your Florida Pond: How to Stop It

    Toxic Algae in Your Florida Pond: How to Stop It Toxic algae in your Florida pond. Cypress trees, canna lilies, duckweed, eelgrass, and algae. Turtles lounging on the shore, and a white heron keeps watch. Sounds pristine and perhaps a somewhat rare scene in HOA communities, and business areas, right? Ponds covered with algae and…

  • Environmental Action On Campus: IDEAS For Us UCF

    Environmental Action On Campus: IDEAS For Us UCF

    Environmental Action On Campus: IDEAS For Us UCF Environmental Action On Campus: IDEAS For Us UCF. Mission: nowhere does the word have more meaning than when applied to IDEAS For Us (IDEAS), the nonprofit grassroots organization working to change the way we treat our environment. According to the IDEAS website, “Our mission is to develop…

  • National Parks & Reserves in Ghana

    National Parks & Reserves in Ghana

    National Parks & Reserves in Ghana National Parks & Reserves in Ghana. Ghana’s national parks and reserves attract thousands of visitors every year. Who could resist with its diverse habitat and wide array of species? National park and reserves are vital to maintaining and protecting Ghana’s environment due to the increased level of deforestation. Whether…

  • Oil Drilling & Plastic Pollution: Environmental Awareness

    Oil Drilling & Plastic Pollution: Environmental Awareness

    Oil Drilling & Plastic Pollution: Environmental Awareness Oil Drilling & Plastic Pollution: Environmental Awareness. Introduction Environmental awareness is the first fundamental step towards environmentalism, which is the ideology that illustrates the importance of human respect, responsibility, and protection towards the Earth (1). There are thousands of environmental issues that weigh down on our Earth today.…