Search results for: “Health and Environment”

  • Rural Women Lead Environmentalism

    Rural Women Lead Environmentalism

    Rural Women Lead Environmentalism  Rural women lead environmentalism. SDGs: #5 (Gender Equality), #10 (Reduced Inequalities), #13 (Climate Action) Rachel Carson. Marjory Stoneman Douglas. Jane Goodall. These names are likely familiar to you if you’ve studied important figures in environmental movements. While these women made important strides for women-led environmentalism, women that live in agriculturally-based communities…

  • Making the Most of Pandemic Sustainability

    Making the Most of Pandemic Sustainability

    Making the Most of Pandemic Sustainability Pandemic sustainability. The coronavirus pandemic has brought anxiety and uncertainty to so many parts of our lives, but IDEAS For Us (IDEAS)  continues its work to involve the community in sustainability action throughout everything. IDEAS Executive Director Clayton Louis Ferrara, Chief Operations Officer Lee Perry,  Chief Administrative Officer Caroline…

  • Vertical Gardens: Sustainability in Uganda

    Vertical Gardens: Sustainability in Uganda

    Vertical Gardens: Sustainability in Uganda Vertical Gardens: Sustainability in Uganda. As urbanization accelerates, the environment deteriorates. Farmland vanishes into urban developments. It’s only natural that food production would suffer as viable farmland is absorbed into cities and towns, but how does this impact the people who live in those communities, who rely on the food…

  • Clean Energy for Orlando

    Clean Energy for Orlando

    This week, Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC) will hold two community forums, where customers will have occasion to air demands for transitioning Central Florida to clean, renewable energy. The first one will take place on Jan. 14, at Engelwood Neighborhood Center, and the second on Jan. 16, at The Pavilion at Avalon Park. OUC, the 14th…

  • Fridays For Future Climate Strike Returns to Orlando City Hall Dec. 6

    Fridays For Future Climate Strike Returns to Orlando City Hall Dec. 6

    This holiday season, as anticipation of frantic consumerism swells, climate activists have one goal in mind: striking to save the planet. The Fridays for Future movement has become ubiquitous over the past year, coined after the teenage icon Greta Thunberg, who skipped school on Fridays to demonstrate a peaceful protest against human-caused global warming. Her…

  • Climate Crisis support in Orlando

    Climate Crisis support in Orlando

    Last August, a plucky Greta Thunberg, then 15 years old, made headlines with her weekly sit-ins outside the Swedish Parliament, resolute in her plea for climate action. Posting her declarations on Twitter and Instagram, she pledged to boycott school until parliament acknowledged global warming as a climate crisis. Her protests, prompted by what she called…

  • The Unspoken Truth: Environmental Injustice

    The Unspoken Truth: Environmental Injustice

    Many of us in the United States have grown accustomed to the typical lifestyle of the 21st century, which includes daily activities such as purchasing food at the grocery store, having indoor plumbing, consistently throwing away trash and using oil for transportation and electricity.  Unaware of the impacts of these actions, we often fail to…

  • Is Fashion Killing The Planet and Its People?

    Is Fashion Killing The Planet and Its People?

    Most of us can never seem to find anything to wear while looking at our overflowing closets. There’re shoes, pants, belts, hats and shirts scattered everywhere, from top to bottom. With every upcoming event comes another day spent shopping, searching for the perfect outfit, an outfit that hasn’t been repeated or seen by the eyes…

  • Volunteer Opportunities In Orlando | Eco-Action events | IDEAS For Us

    Volunteer Opportunities In Orlando | Eco-Action events | IDEAS For Us

    Join Our Events Upcoming and Recurring Events Seeking a way to give back to your environment while being a part of a community of change makers? Join us for our open to the public eco-action events! We host events throughout each month across Florida and beyond. Events on eventbrite The IDEAS Hive Be a leader…

  • Key West Just Banned Popular Sunscreens and Here’s Why

    Key West Just Banned Popular Sunscreens and Here’s Why

    The city of Key West, one of Florida’s most visited cities, has joined Hawaii and the country of Palau to ban sunscreen lotions with the chemicals oxybenzone and octinoxate in efforts to protect their own coral reefs. Oxybenzone and octinoxate are commonly used chemicals in most popular, store brand sunscreens. The ban had been approved…