Search results for: “Health and Environment”

  • How to Cope with Eco-Anxiety

    How to Cope with Eco-Anxiety

    Amidst a global pandemic, unrest in Ukraine, the challenges of climate change, and daily World News events, it’s safe to say that many of us are experiencing a growing sense of anxiety. Let’s face it: The current state of this planet can be frightening to the overall well-being of the preponderance of all generations. But,…

  • Florida: Implementing Global Solutions to Local Issues

    The wonderful state of Florida is teeming with biodiversity from coast to coast, whether that be in it’s thousands of acres of swamp in the Everglades, the winding freshwater springs sprawled around central Florida, the great Ocala forest allowing for wildlife to thrive, or even the protected coastlines where thousands of sea turtles migrate to…

  • Panama Establishes “Rights to Nature”

    Panama Establishes “Rights to Nature”

    In February of 2022, President Laurentino Cortizo of Panama signed into law a framework that recognizes the inherent rights of nature 1. After a year of debate at the Panama National Assembly 2, Panama now acknowledges nature’s rights to “exist, persist, and regenerate her lifecycles” 1, in a landmark decision, joining over 20+ countries with…

  • U.S. Army Introduces It’s First Climate Strategy

    U.S. Army Introduces It’s First Climate Strategy

    On February 8, 2022, the largest branch of the United States military introduced its first ever climate strategy, signaling a shift in military operations to prepare for and adapt to a world affected by climate change. While the Army’s primary mission is to “fight and win the nation’s wars” (2), the climate strategy dually focuses…

  • How to Go Waste Free to Fight Your Climate Anxiety

    How to Go Waste Free to Fight Your Climate Anxiety

    How to Go Waste Free to Fight Your Climate Anxiety How to go waste free to fight your climate anxiety. What do you think creates a high quality of life?Lots of money? A nice car? A big house? Do extravagant vacations make the list?  In a society all about consumerism, we are taught life goals…

  • Deep Sea Mining

    Deep Sea Mining

    Deep Sea Mining Deep sea mining. Is it an environmental resource or a disaster? The practice has become a controversial topic in recent years. Some believe it is a great alternative to terrestrial mining, which is now on the decline. Others say the damage could outweigh the good.    Scouring the Deep: What is DSM and…

  • Eco-Friendly Ways to Dispose of Your Mattress in Florida

    Eco-Friendly Ways to Dispose of Your Mattress in Florida

    Eco-Friendly Ways to Dispose of Your Mattress in Florida   Eco-Friendly Ways to Dispose of Your Mattress in Florida. Do you have an old mattress that is no longer comfortable, and you’re ready to buy a new bed? If so, it’s time to consider how to recycle your mattress. Mattresses are one of the most common…

  • 10 Edible Invasive in Florida

    10 Edible Invasive in Florida

    10 Edible Invasive in Florida 10 Edible invasive in Florida. Invasive plants are one of the main reasons biodiversity in Florida is on a steady decline. These invasive species are often able to outcompete native plants, animals, and even insects for essential resources whether that is food, shelter, or other basic needs. Biodiversity refers to…

  • All About The Build Back Better Act

    All About The Build Back Better Act

    On November 19th, 2021, the House passed the Build Back Better Act (BBBA) with a close 220 to 213 vote.1  Now that the BBBA is onto the Senate, let’s look at what the bill contains for fighting the climate crisis as it proposes a total of $555 billion in clean energy and climate investments.2 PHOTO…

  • IDEAS For Us Donor Dashboard

    IDEAS For Us Donor Dashboard

    Welcome to the IDEAS For Us Donor Dashboard, where your commitment to environmental sustainability takes center stage. This interactive platform is designed to provide you with a seamless and transparent view of your contributions and their impact. By logging into your personal dashboard, you can easily manage your donations, track the progress of projects you’re…