Search results for: “Social Impact”

  • Making the Most of Pandemic Sustainability

    Making the Most of Pandemic Sustainability

    Making the Most of Pandemic Sustainability Pandemic sustainability. The coronavirus pandemic has brought anxiety and uncertainty to so many parts of our lives, but IDEAS For Us (IDEAS)  continues its work to involve the community in sustainability action throughout everything. IDEAS Executive Director Clayton Louis Ferrara, Chief Operations Officer Lee Perry,  Chief Administrative Officer Caroline…

  • Fast Fashion: Ditch the Trends and Go with Everlasting Style

    Fast Fashion: Ditch the Trends and Go with Everlasting Style

    Fast Fashion: Ditch the Trends and Go with Everlasting Style Fast fashion. Orlando Zero Hour, an intersectional youth climate organization saw that with people working from home and isolated from one another, was a ripe time to launch an educational campaign.  So they did just that, starting Project Reuse and Reduce, which strives to teach…

  • Menstrual Health in Nepal: Changing The Public Perception

    Menstrual Health in Nepal: Changing The Public Perception

    Menstrual Health in Nepal: Changing The Public Perception Menstrual Health in Nepal. IDEAS For Us Nepal created an informative, highlight video of their Butterfly Campaign Program to demonstrate the life of menstruating women in Nepal. The video opens up to the inside of a small, dimly lit stone shed, in which are two teenage girls.…

  • Permaculture: Closing the Loop

    Permaculture: Closing the Loop

    Permaculture: Closing the Loop Permaculture: Closing the Loop. It’s probably safe to say that most of us live similar lives in a lot of ways: we go to the grocery store to purchase stacks of packaged foods; we water our lawns; we drop cardboard boxes and bags of leaves on the pavement for the trash…

  • Strategic Plan 2020+ | Societal Transformation Towards Sustainability | IDEAS For Us

    Strategic Plan 2020+ Leading the Next Gen of Environmental Action Through Strategic Planning For Societal Transformation Towards Sustainability About The IDEAS For Us Strategic Plan As IDEAS For Us has progressed since 2008, it has become clear that no country on Earth is on track to achieve the Global Goals for Sustainable Development by 2030.…

  • Eco-Conscious Practices From Home

    Eco-Conscious Practices From Home

    Eco-Conscious While Sheltering in Place Eco-Conscious Practices From Home. When faced with a deadly threat, humans do what comes naturally—they adapt. To the extent that history serves as evidence of how resourceful mankind can be, it is to illustrate that pandemics spark a wave of innovation relative to their impact on the daily rhythm of…

  • Split Oak Forest: The Fight for Conservation

    Split Oak Forest: The Fight for Conservation

    Valerie Anderson, a geographical information science analyst, doesn’t have a favorite area of Split Oak Forest so much as a favorite time of year: fall. The season brings scores of purple flowers to the 1,700-acre nature preserve. Garberia, Vanillaleaf, Hairy Chaffhead, Slender Blazing Star. These are just a handful that capture her interest, not only…

  • Clean Energy for Orlando

    Clean Energy for Orlando

    This week, Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC) will hold two community forums, where customers will have occasion to air demands for transitioning Central Florida to clean, renewable energy. The first one will take place on Jan. 14, at Engelwood Neighborhood Center, and the second on Jan. 16, at The Pavilion at Avalon Park. OUC, the 14th…

  • How-to: Zero-Waste Living

    How-to: Zero-Waste Living

    Waste is a serious problem we are facing across the globe. The phrase “going zero-waste” simply means generating little to no waste. This movement “redesigns our systems and resource use—from product design to disposal—to prevent wasteful and polluting practices.” (1) It is the latest rave in environmental awareness and sustainability and is one that we should…

  • Ditch Lawns, Grow Gardens

    Ditch Lawns, Grow Gardens

    Where did lawns come from? Lawns have been around since the medieval times in Europe, where only the wealthy, upper classes could afford to maintain it. People of lower classes could not afford to take the time to have a patch of land that did not provide any food for their family or their livelihood.…