Search results for: “Social Impact”

  • Bright IDEAS Solutions Showcase

    BRIGHT IDEAS ARE CHANGING THE WORLD The Bright IDEAS Solutions Showcase is the annual event of IDEAS For Us. We take this time to recognize the meaningful environmental accomplishments and leadership across the State of Florida.   IDEAS Solutions Showcase Run of Show: 7 pm – 8 pm Welcome Social: Cocktails & Music 8 pm…

  • Dangers of Palm Oil

    Dangers of Palm Oil

    Deforestation Palm oil is cheaper to produce than most vegetable oils. Since palm oil costs less to produce, plantations have been spreading across Latin America, Africa, and Asia. According to the World Wildlife Fund, “such expansion comes at the expense of tropical forests—which form critical habitats for many endangered species and a lifeline for some…

  • Environmental Leadership: Kenya Inspired Me

    Environmental Leadership: Kenya Inspired Me

    Environmental Leadership: Kenya Inspired Me Environmental Leadership: How Growing Up in Kenya Inspired Me. Retreating glaciers, drought, increased CO2 levels in the atmosphere, COVID 19, poverty, petropolitics, biodiversity loss; far too many disasters prove we have a debt to pay to our planet and our people, a duty to evolve society around sustainable ways of…

  • Biden Rejoins Paris Climate Agreement

    Biden Rejoins Paris Climate Agreement

    Biden Rejoins Paris Climate Agreement. What does this mean and how will this affect our future? As part of his plan for the first 100 days of his presidency, America’s new President Joe Biden has rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement. The Paris Climate Agreement is an international treaty with the goal to combat climate change.…

  • Environmental Action On Campus: IDEAS For Us UCF

    Environmental Action On Campus: IDEAS For Us UCF

    Environmental Action On Campus: IDEAS For Us UCF Environmental Action On Campus: IDEAS For Us UCF. Mission: nowhere does the word have more meaning than when applied to IDEAS For Us (IDEAS), the nonprofit grassroots organization working to change the way we treat our environment. According to the IDEAS website, “Our mission is to develop…

  • Child Labor and the Chocolate We Love

    Child Labor and the Chocolate We Love

    Child Labor and Chocolate We Love Child Labor and the Chocolate We Love. Background on Chocolate. Chocolate is a sweet treat enjoyed by many people around the world. On top of chocolate’s sweet flavor, it’s known to offer mood enhancing benefits. These benefits led the Aztecs, Olemcs, and Mayans to believe chocolate possessed mystical and…

  • Oil Drilling & Plastic Pollution: Environmental Awareness

    Oil Drilling & Plastic Pollution: Environmental Awareness

    Oil Drilling & Plastic Pollution: Environmental Awareness Oil Drilling & Plastic Pollution: Environmental Awareness. Introduction Environmental awareness is the first fundamental step towards environmentalism, which is the ideology that illustrates the importance of human respect, responsibility, and protection towards the Earth (1). There are thousands of environmental issues that weigh down on our Earth today.…

  • Sustainable Alternatives to Charcoal in the DRC

    Sustainable Alternatives to Charcoal in the DRC

    Sustainable Alternatives to Charcoal in the DRC Sustainable Alternatives to Charcoal in the DRC. For millions in Africa and the Congo Basin, charcoal provides a readily accessible and inexpensive energy source for cooking and household heating. Population growth drives demand for the valuable “black gold” at an alarming rate, yet also fuels deforestation and biodiversity…

  • Pollution, Classism, and Racism

    Pollution, Classism, and Racism

    Pollution, Classism, and Racism Pollution, Classism, and Racism. Environmental Justice In 2020 IDEAS FOR US did an interview with five panelists, Bryan Parras, Yudith Azareth, Taylor Morton, Catherine Flowers, and Kevin J Patel, who were from Zero Hour which is a youth climate activism organization. The organization believes in fighting for the right to thrive…

  • Can Preventing Pollution Do More Harm Than Good in Rwanda?

    Can Preventing Pollution Do More Harm Than Good in Rwanda?

    Can Preventing Pollution Do More Harm Than Good in Rwanda?  Preventing pollution. Rwanda is one of the smallest eastern countries of the African continent and home to about 12 million people. Rwanda is known as the land with “thousand hills,” beautiful savannas, abundant wildlife, and fascinating valleys. Because of the plethora of resources Rwanda hosts,…