Search results for: “Forest Conservation”

  • Protecting Natural Lands in Florida

    Protecting Natural Lands in Florida

    Protecting Natural Lands in Florida Protecting Natural Lands in Florida. Econ River Wilderness Area. Split Oak Forest Wildlife and Environmental Area (Split Oak). Wekiva and Econ Rivers. These are precious natural lands that were discussed during the IDEAS For Us June IDEAS Hive discussion, “Protecting Natural Lands in Florida.” As the panelists continually express, if…

  • Environmentally “Woke” Music

    Environmentally “Woke” Music

    Songs From Celebrities About Climate Change Music is power. A power that has the ability to connect millions of people around the world. In recent years of the climate crisis, music has been used by progressive artists to mobilize individuals into climate activism. Innovative musical art brings awareness to relevant environmental issues from America to…

  • 20 Ways To Be More Sustainable in 2020

    20 Ways To Be More Sustainable in 2020

    *This blog was co-written with Caroline Chomanics, IDEAS For Us chief administration officer and Fleet Farming program manager. We are beginning a new decade in 2020! Unlike most New Year’s resolutions, these don’t require you to break a sweat at the gym or reorganize your closets, Marie Kondo style. As 2019 comes to an end,…

  • Sustainable Development and Economic Growth

    Sustainable Development and Economic Growth

    One of the longest ongoing debates in the world of economic trade, politics, and human growth involves the evolution of sustainable development. What is this sustainable development? Can it create jobs? Reduce the poverty line? Or will a company go bankrupt once sustainable policies are enforced? The economy and its monetary flow are consistently used…

  • Celebrity Environmentalists

    Celebrity Environmentalists

    Leonardo Dicaprio Actor Leonardo Dicaprio has used his renowned celebrity platform to bring awareness and public attention to the most pressing environmental issues. In 1998, he founded the Leonardo Dicaprio Foundation to combat climate change, protect vulnerable species, and propose innovative solutions. He has donated at least $30m to the cause, hoping to advance the…

  • Sponsor Environmental Action | Fund Eco-Action Projects | IDEAS For Us

    Sponsor Environmental Action Get Involved with IDEAS For Us in Orlando, FL and Volunteer in Local Eco-Action Events & Projects and Sponsor Environmental Action. watch eco-action highlights Eco-Action Projects in Central Florida Every month, IDEAS mobilizes volunteers to accomplish Eco-Action projects in Central Florida. Read below about the projects IDEAS organizes, and the five focus…

  • Liberia

    IDEAS For Us – Branches Liberia About This Branch “Liberia is a green jewel of forests set along the shoreline of the Atlantic Ocean on the West side of the great African continent. Rich with natural resources, resilient people, with a particularly fond love of democracy, Liberia is unique as the first Democratic Republic on the…

  • Top Five Environmentalists You Should Know

    Top Five Environmentalists You Should Know

    Environmentalists are changing the world whether it be conservation of natural lands, environmental justice for at-risk communities, scientific research, or climate action. Visionaries are leading the way in the environmental activist movement. Here are five environmentalists you should know:   Vandana Shiva    (    Vandana Shiva, based in Delhi, India; began her journey into sustainability…

  • What is IDEAS For Us?

    What is IDEAS For Us?

    IDEAS For Us (IDEAS) began when a group of passionate university students made the choice to stop talking about environmental issues and begin the very difficult work of trying to actually solve them. Founded in June of 2008 at the University of Central Florida (UCF), IDEAS began as a student-led organization called I.D.E.A.S. – an acronym…

  • Rwanda

    IDEAS For Us – Branches Rwanda Branch About This Branch IDEAS For Rwanda was founded in 2017 after John Bosco Gakumba became the fifth IREX Fellow to IDEAS For Us and traveled to Orlando, Florida for a four-month immersion program from August to December of 2016. The United States Department of State specially selected him as a…