Search results for: “Environmental Justice”

  • Blog

    Table of Contents IDEAS For Us – Environmental Sustainability Professionals Show A to Z Topical Index A Alternative Energy Air Pollution Animal Conservation Agroforestry Adaptation Aquaculture Artificial Intelligence Access to Clean Water Awareness Campaigns Alternative Transportation B Biodiversity Biodegradable Carbon Footprint Climate Change Conservation Composting Clean Energy Circular Economy Community Gardens Corporate Sustainability C Carbon…

  • Empowering Change: IDEAS For Us and NowThis News Leading the Way

    Empowering Change: IDEAS For Us and NowThis News Leading the Way


    IDEAS For Us and NowThis News are both on an inspiring mission to ignite change and raise our collective consciousness about the urgent need for environmental action. They are the dynamic duo leading the charge in an engaging and transformative journey towards a greener, more sustainable world. IDEAS For Us, a non-profit powerhouse, is all…

  • 17 UN SDGs: How IDEAS for US is Making a Sustainable Impact

    17 UN SDGs: How IDEAS for US is Making a Sustainable Impact

    Looking for ways to make a positive impact on the world? IDEAS for US is an organization that promotes sustainable practices and environmental conservation, aligning with all 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). From reducing poverty to protecting the planet, IDEAS for US works to empower individuals and communities through sustainable living practices, entrepreneurship,…

  • Toxic Wastelands: A Look Into Superfund Sites

    Toxic Wastelands: A Look Into Superfund Sites

    Born From Tragedy In the 1970s the quiet community of Love Canal, Niagara Falls, NY, garnered national attention when chemical sludge began seeping up from the Earth. Kids came home with chemical burns after playing outside, basements flooded with noxious water, babies were born with birth defects and cancer rates soared1. As a result, residents…

  • Florida: Implementing Global Solutions to Local Issues

    The wonderful state of Florida is teeming with biodiversity from coast to coast, whether that be in it’s thousands of acres of swamp in the Everglades, the winding freshwater springs sprawled around central Florida, the great Ocala forest allowing for wildlife to thrive, or even the protected coastlines where thousands of sea turtles migrate to…

  • Planet Bee Foundation: “Beeing” The Change in San Francisco Bay

    Planet Bee Foundation: “Beeing” The Change in San Francisco Bay

    Planet Bee Foundation: “Beeing” The Change in San Francisco Bay Planet Bee is an environmental education nonprofit dedicated to engaging young minds with science, nature, and conservation through hands-on programs. We accomplish this by exploring the world through the eyes (or should I say five eyes) of the struggling honey bee! As many of us…

  • Fracking in Florida: What To Know

    Fracking in Florida: What To Know

    What the Frack Florida! Fracking vs. Environmentalists has been a long fought battle for years over the fracturing of the Earth for resource gain. So, do environmentalists have a fighting chance in finally defeating fracking in Florida? Now, let’s dive into the history of fracking to learn more and make your own determination. What is…

  • Youth Activists: Can They Save Our Planet?

    Youth Activists: Can They Save Our Planet?

    Perched on the base of the Tower of Light sculpture, microphone in hand, Lorena Sosa, youth activist, addressed a small crowd of cheering protesters gathered outside Orlando City Hall. The planet is in big trouble, she told them. She added that adults are ignoring this simple fact. Sosa, who is 17 and a junior at…

  • Water Pollution: caused by… yard-care?

    Water Pollution: caused by… yard-care?

    Many of us wouldn’t associate stormwater with pollution. Quite the opposite: When it rains, we picture the Earth’s soil nourished, depleted lakes and ponds replenished. But what we do on land—how we care for and maintain it—ultimately affects our waters. Felling trees, dumping waste, saturating crops with pesticides are but a few ways urban development…

  • Climate Crisis support in Orlando

    Climate Crisis support in Orlando

    Last August, a plucky Greta Thunberg, then 15 years old, made headlines with her weekly sit-ins outside the Swedish Parliament, resolute in her plea for climate action. Posting her declarations on Twitter and Instagram, she pledged to boycott school until parliament acknowledged global warming as a climate crisis. Her protests, prompted by what she called…