Search results for: “Environmental Advocacy”

  • The Willow Project: End Fossil Fuels

    The Willow Project: End Fossil Fuels

    The Willow Project: What’s going on in Alaska? The proposed Willow Project oil pipeline has been a hotly debated topic in recent months. The pipeline, which would transport crude oil from Alaska’s North Slope to the port of Valdez, has faced opposition from environmental activists and Native Alaskan communities. With the new Biden administration in…

  • Harvest Festival Brought To You By IDEAS For US

    Harvest Festival Brought To You By IDEAS For US

    ORLANDO, Fla. (November 5, 2022) – IDEAS For Us (IDEAS) began in 2008 as a group of innovative UCF students who wanted to advance sustainability on university campuses and communities around the world. Since then, it has grown into a global non-profit focused on real action, not just advocacy, to solve environmental challenges. IDEAS For…

  • Meet Our 2022 IREX Fellow

    Meet Our 2022 IREX Fellow

    What is IREX? Based out of Washington D.C., the International Research & Exchanges Board, also known as IREX, is a nonprofit organization that has focused on empowering people for over 50 years. “We strive for a more just, prosperous, and inclusive world—where individuals reach their full potential, governments serve their people, and communities thrive.” IREX…

  • How to Get Involved in Eco-Activism

    How to Get Involved in Eco-Activism

    Raising a family in times of climate change can often feel overwhelming. The recent COP26 conference failed to unite all nations in the fight against global warming. Meanwhile, short-sighted policies draw us ever closer to a climate disaster. Understandably, this may cause you to experience serious eco-anxiety.   However, it’s worth remembering that the fight…

  • Florida Deforestation Crisis

    Florida Deforestation Crisis

    Florida Deforestation Crisis Florida Deforestation Crisis. Deforestation. The word comes up all the time in conversations about climate change and environmental impact , but how much do most of us really know about deforestation and its true effect? National Geographic defines deforestation as “the purposeful clearing of forested land” (1). Countless forests have been cut…

  • The Case for Renewable Energy

    The Case for Renewable Energy

    The Case for Renewable Energy The case for Renewable energy has become a byword in the vocabulary of environmental activism, but the topic isn’t a simple one and there’s a lot to know – from the hard science to the politics that dominate the energy scene. That’s why IDEAS For Us and the Orlando Zero…

  • Fast Fashion: Ditch the Trends and Go with Everlasting Style

    Fast Fashion: Ditch the Trends and Go with Everlasting Style

    Fast Fashion: Ditch the Trends and Go with Everlasting Style Fast fashion. Orlando Zero Hour, an intersectional youth climate organization saw that with people working from home and isolated from one another, was a ripe time to launch an educational campaign.  So they did just that, starting Project Reuse and Reduce, which strives to teach…

  • Fracking in Florida: What To Know

    Fracking in Florida: What To Know

    What the Frack Florida! Fracking vs. Environmentalists has been a long fought battle for years over the fracturing of the Earth for resource gain. So, do environmentalists have a fighting chance in finally defeating fracking in Florida? Now, let’s dive into the history of fracking to learn more and make your own determination. What is…

  • Split Oak Forest: The Fight for Conservation

    Split Oak Forest: The Fight for Conservation

    Valerie Anderson, a geographical information science analyst, doesn’t have a favorite area of Split Oak Forest so much as a favorite time of year: fall. The season brings scores of purple flowers to the 1,700-acre nature preserve. Garberia, Vanillaleaf, Hairy Chaffhead, Slender Blazing Star. These are just a handful that capture her interest, not only…

  • Youth Activists: Can They Save Our Planet?

    Youth Activists: Can They Save Our Planet?

    Perched on the base of the Tower of Light sculpture, microphone in hand, Lorena Sosa, youth activist, addressed a small crowd of cheering protesters gathered outside Orlando City Hall. The planet is in big trouble, she told them. She added that adults are ignoring this simple fact. Sosa, who is 17 and a junior at…