Search results for: “Sustainable Development”

  • South Sudan: The Nonprofit Taking Root

    South Sudan: The Nonprofit Taking Root

    South Sudan:The Nonprofit Taking Root  South Sudan: the nonprofit taking root. Many may not even be able to point out its location on a map. But, the youngest nation in the world has a landscape of rich biodiversity fostered by a tropical climate and the Nile River (1). South Sudan faces many challenges. Leftover conflict…

  • Fast Fashion: Ditch the Trends and Go with Everlasting Style

    Fast Fashion: Ditch the Trends and Go with Everlasting Style

    Fast Fashion: Ditch the Trends and Go with Everlasting Style Fast fashion. Orlando Zero Hour, an intersectional youth climate organization saw that with people working from home and isolated from one another, was a ripe time to launch an educational campaign.  So they did just that, starting Project Reuse and Reduce, which strives to teach…

  • Vertical Gardens: Sustainability in Uganda

    Vertical Gardens: Sustainability in Uganda

    Vertical Gardens: Sustainability in Uganda Vertical Gardens: Sustainability in Uganda. As urbanization accelerates, the environment deteriorates. Farmland vanishes into urban developments. It’s only natural that food production would suffer as viable farmland is absorbed into cities and towns, but how does this impact the people who live in those communities, who rely on the food…

  • Let’s Re-Think Retention Ponds

    Let’s Re-Think Retention Ponds

    As a Floridan it’s not unusual to see bodies of water on your commute to work, walking through your neighborhood or even by/on your school’s campus. It’s most likely that these small waterways are man-made structures put in place to maintain stormwater runoff. In other words, these waterways are more than likely a retention pond.…

  • Youth Activists: Can They Save Our Planet?

    Youth Activists: Can They Save Our Planet?

    Perched on the base of the Tower of Light sculpture, microphone in hand, Lorena Sosa, youth activist, addressed a small crowd of cheering protesters gathered outside Orlando City Hall. The planet is in big trouble, she told them. She added that adults are ignoring this simple fact. Sosa, who is 17 and a junior at…

  • Water Pollution: caused by… yard-care?

    Water Pollution: caused by… yard-care?

    Many of us wouldn’t associate stormwater with pollution. Quite the opposite: When it rains, we picture the Earth’s soil nourished, depleted lakes and ponds replenished. But what we do on land—how we care for and maintain it—ultimately affects our waters. Felling trees, dumping waste, saturating crops with pesticides are but a few ways urban development…

  • Climate Change Isn’t the Only Threat to Ginnie Springs.

    Climate Change Isn’t the Only Threat to Ginnie Springs.

    Climate Change Isn’t the Only Threat to Ginnie Springs: Nestle Plans to Deplete Florida’s Aquifers” could be: “Learn about the multiple threats facing Ginnie Springs and Florida’s aquifers. Discover how IdeasForUs is raising awareness about Nestle’s plans to deplete these vital water sources. Explore the consequences of water extraction, the importance of sustainable water management,…

  • Gardening In The City

    Gardening In The City

    What is Micro-Gardening? Micro-gardening is the practice of growing food in containers in order to maintain energy and space efficiency. This gardening technique is taking urban city settings by storm due to its convenience and ability to thrive in confined spaces such as balconies and small lawns. Now it is easier than ever to have…

  • Overfishing in Uganda

    Overfishing in Uganda

    Worldwide fish consumption per capita is higher than it has ever been. With such increasing demand, particularly amongst the developed world, overfishing has become a serious issue. One-third of the world’s oceans can be classified as overfished, which disproportionately affects developing nations. It is estimated that, in the near future, many African countries will have…

  • Sponsor Environmental Action | Fund Eco-Action Projects | IDEAS For Us

    Sponsor Environmental Action Get Involved with IDEAS For Us in Orlando, FL and Volunteer in Local Eco-Action Events & Projects and Sponsor Environmental Action. watch eco-action highlights Eco-Action Projects in Central Florida Every month, IDEAS mobilizes volunteers to accomplish Eco-Action projects in Central Florida. Read below about the projects IDEAS organizes, and the five focus…