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One Person One Tree

The city of Orlando has its eye on being the pinnacle of sustainability in the southeastern United States. Mayor Buddy Dyer has set the goal for the city to run on 100% renewable energy by 2050; to be zero-waste with a recycling rate above 34% by 2040; and is participating in Florida’s Long Range Transportation… Continue reading One Person One Tree

Hurricane Maria Advances Solar Power

It has been nearly a year and a half since Hurricane Maria wreaked havoc on Puerto Rico and the Caribbean islands. Over 3,000 people are estimated to have died in the storm. As well there is roughly $80 billion in damages. The devastation of the storm reverberates through the island today, with the fear that… Continue reading Hurricane Maria Advances Solar Power

Overfishing in Uganda

Worldwide fish consumption per capita is higher than it has ever been. With such increasing demand, particularly amongst the developed world, overfishing has become a serious issue. One-third of the world’s oceans can be classified as overfished, which disproportionately affects developing nations. It is estimated that, in the near future, many African countries will have… Continue reading Overfishing in Uganda

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