Search results for: “Green Building”

  • Split Oak Forest: The Fight for Conservation

    Split Oak Forest: The Fight for Conservation

    Valerie Anderson, a geographical information science analyst, doesn’t have a favorite area of Split Oak Forest so much as a favorite time of year: fall. The season brings scores of purple flowers to the 1,700-acre nature preserve. Garberia, Vanillaleaf, Hairy Chaffhead, Slender Blazing Star. These are just a handful that capture her interest, not only…

  • 20 Ways To Be More Sustainable in 2020

    20 Ways To Be More Sustainable in 2020

    *This blog was co-written with Caroline Chomanics, IDEAS For Us chief administration officer and Fleet Farming program manager. We are beginning a new decade in 2020! Unlike most New Year’s resolutions, these don’t require you to break a sweat at the gym or reorganize your closets, Marie Kondo style. As 2019 comes to an end,…

  • Water Pollution: caused by… yard-care?

    Water Pollution: caused by… yard-care?

    Many of us wouldn’t associate stormwater with pollution. Quite the opposite: When it rains, we picture the Earth’s soil nourished, depleted lakes and ponds replenished. But what we do on land—how we care for and maintain it—ultimately affects our waters. Felling trees, dumping waste, saturating crops with pesticides are but a few ways urban development…

  • Is Fashion Killing The Planet and Its People?

    Is Fashion Killing The Planet and Its People?

    Most of us can never seem to find anything to wear while looking at our overflowing closets. There’re shoes, pants, belts, hats and shirts scattered everywhere, from top to bottom. With every upcoming event comes another day spent shopping, searching for the perfect outfit, an outfit that hasn’t been repeated or seen by the eyes…

  • The Science Behind Solar Panels

    The Science Behind Solar Panels

    Solar power or solar energy is quickly becoming an inexpensive renewable resource. However, how do solar panels necessarily work and what are the benefits of switching from grid power to solar power? The Science Behind Solar Panels Solar energy is an ingenious discovery made in 1839 by Alexandre Edmon Becquerel. Essentially, the sun emits radiation…

  • Ditch Lawns, Grow Gardens

    Ditch Lawns, Grow Gardens

    Where did lawns come from? Lawns have been around since the medieval times in Europe, where only the wealthy, upper classes could afford to maintain it. People of lower classes could not afford to take the time to have a patch of land that did not provide any food for their family or their livelihood.…

  • Conservation Now…There Is No Plan Bee

    Conservation Now…There Is No Plan Bee

    What Is Pollination? Pollination can be understood as a mutually beneficial process3. Simply put, pollinators are animals that transport pollen from one species of flower to the same species of another flower. This transfer of pollen between flowers allows for the reproduction of more flowers, ensuring new plants will soon grow. Not only do flowers benefit from…

  • Sponsor Environmental Action | Fund Eco-Action Projects | IDEAS For Us

    Sponsor Environmental Action Get Involved with IDEAS For Us in Orlando, FL and Volunteer in Local Eco-Action Events & Projects and Sponsor Environmental Action. watch eco-action highlights Eco-Action Projects in Central Florida Every month, IDEAS mobilizes volunteers to accomplish Eco-Action projects in Central Florida. Read below about the projects IDEAS organizes, and the five focus…

  • CSR


    Corporate Social Responsibility Membership Programs 2023+ A CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Member is a Business (LLC, Inc., B Corp) that has pledged to IDEAS For Us, and in return, a strong partnership is formed to bring awareness to the sustainability-focused initiatives backed by this business leader in the community. What is a CSR Member: A…

  • Liberia

    IDEAS For Us – Branches Liberia About This Branch “Liberia is a green jewel of forests set along the shoreline of the Atlantic Ocean on the West side of the great African continent. Rich with natural resources, resilient people, with a particularly fond love of democracy, Liberia is unique as the first Democratic Republic on the…