Search results for: “Resource Management”

  • Types of Plastic: The Big 7

    Types of Plastic: The Big 7

    In 1970, Gary Anderson created the famous symbol used to indicate that a product is recyclable- three arrows chasing each other in a loop. The design is easily recognizable, but have you ever flipped the empty plastic product over and looked at the recycling symbol closely? If you have, you have probably seen that there…

  • Paper Is Better Than Plastic: 3 Reasons Why

    Paper Is Better Than Plastic: 3 Reasons Why

    Does anyone else remember being taught in elementary school that plastic is more environmentally friendly than paper? More specifically, the idea was that plastic is infinitely renewed through recycling, and, opposingly, that trees are a nonrenewable resource. While this might sound like a valid concept, it’s far from the truth. Instead, many qualities of paper make…

  • Florida’s Regional Water Supply Plans

    Florida’s Regional Water Supply Plans

    “The protection of water resources is one of the most pressing issues facing our state. That’s why today I’m taking immediate action to combat the threats which have devastated our local economies and threatened the health of our communities.” – Ron DeSantis, 46th Governor of Florida, on new legislation concerning Florida’s Regional Water Supply Plans (RWSPs)…

  • Meet Our 2022 IREX Fellow

    Meet Our 2022 IREX Fellow

    What is IREX? Based out of Washington D.C., the International Research & Exchanges Board, also known as IREX, is a nonprofit organization that has focused on empowering people for over 50 years. “We strive for a more just, prosperous, and inclusive world—where individuals reach their full potential, governments serve their people, and communities thrive.” IREX…

  • What are Umbrella Species?

    What are Umbrella Species?

    The concept of umbrella species was first proposed by ecologists as a way to manage ecosystems and protect the needs of many species by focusing on protecting the needs of just one species- this species’ needs encapsulate many others, like an umbrella (Roberge & Angelstam, 2004). This strategy simplifies management and monitoring efforts. Doing this…

  • Uganda Water Aid

    Uganda Water Aid

    Uganda’s Water Status Uganda water aid is an important global issue since Uganda is in a water crisis. Water is a necessary component of all living things. So, access to safe, clean water should be a basic human right. However, 40% of the global population experiences water scarcity, of which many communities in Uganda are…

  • Overfishing, Conservation, Sustainability, & Farmed Fish

          As with many other aspects of government policy, overfishing and other fishing-related environmental issues are a real problem. However, government intervention may not be the most effective solution. Surprisingly, it might be one of the main drivers of overfishing and other conservation and sustainability issues stemming from commercial fishing. Much like drone fishing, this…

  • 10 Edible Invasive in Florida

    10 Edible Invasive in Florida

    10 Edible Invasive in Florida 10 Edible invasive in Florida. Invasive plants are one of the main reasons biodiversity in Florida is on a steady decline. These invasive species are often able to outcompete native plants, animals, and even insects for essential resources whether that is food, shelter, or other basic needs. Biodiversity refers to…

  • All About The Build Back Better Act

    All About The Build Back Better Act

    On November 19th, 2021, the House passed the Build Back Better Act (BBBA) with a close 220 to 213 vote.1  Now that the BBBA is onto the Senate, let’s look at what the bill contains for fighting the climate crisis as it proposes a total of $555 billion in clean energy and climate investments.2 PHOTO…

  • Say No To Single-Use Plastics

    Say No To Single-Use Plastics

    Say No To Single-Use Plastics Plastic pollution is one of the most critical environmental issues these days. It is the accumulation of plastic materials (like grocery bags, drink bottles, straws, food wrappers, plastic packaging, and microbeads) in the marine and wild environments. This accumulation adversely impacts both humans and wildlife. 1. Every year, about 8…