Search results for: “Landscape Conservation”

  • 10 Edible Invasive in Florida

    10 Edible Invasive in Florida

    10 Edible Invasive in Florida 10 Edible invasive in Florida. Invasive plants are one of the main reasons biodiversity in Florida is on a steady decline. These invasive species are often able to outcompete native plants, animals, and even insects for essential resources whether that is food, shelter, or other basic needs. Biodiversity refers to…

  • IDEAS For Us Donor Dashboard

    IDEAS For Us Donor Dashboard

    Welcome to the IDEAS For Us Donor Dashboard, where your commitment to environmental sustainability takes center stage. This interactive platform is designed to provide you with a seamless and transparent view of your contributions and their impact. By logging into your personal dashboard, you can easily manage your donations, track the progress of projects you’re…

  • Heat Waves in the United States

    Heat Waves in the United States

    What Causes Heat Waves? A heat wave happens when there are three or more days of unusually high maximum and minimum temperatures1. Heat waves are caused by a system of high atmospheric pressure moving into a certain area2.To be considered a heat wave, temperatures have to be outside the historical average2.  2021 Heat Waves in…

  • 10 Easy Ways to Conserve Water Daily

    10 Easy Ways to Conserve Water Daily

    10 Easy Ways to Conserve Water Daily. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the average American uses approximately 88 gallons of water a day (1). Not only is this excessive usage of water detrimental to the environment, but it is also a costly issue. Keep reading to find out how you can reduce…

  • Toxic Algae in Your Florida Pond: How to Stop It

    Toxic Algae in Your Florida Pond: How to Stop It

    Toxic Algae in Your Florida Pond: How to Stop It Toxic algae in your Florida pond. Cypress trees, canna lilies, duckweed, eelgrass, and algae. Turtles lounging on the shore, and a white heron keeps watch. Sounds pristine and perhaps a somewhat rare scene in HOA communities, and business areas, right? Ponds covered with algae and…

  • National Parks & Reserves in Ghana

    National Parks & Reserves in Ghana

    National Parks & Reserves in Ghana National Parks & Reserves in Ghana. Ghana’s national parks and reserves attract thousands of visitors every year. Who could resist with its diverse habitat and wide array of species? National park and reserves are vital to maintaining and protecting Ghana’s environment due to the increased level of deforestation. Whether…

  • Florida Deforestation Crisis

    Florida Deforestation Crisis

    Florida Deforestation Crisis Florida Deforestation Crisis. Deforestation. The word comes up all the time in conversations about climate change and environmental impact , but how much do most of us really know about deforestation and its true effect? National Geographic defines deforestation as “the purposeful clearing of forested land” (1). Countless forests have been cut…

  • Protecting Natural Lands in Florida

    Protecting Natural Lands in Florida

    Protecting Natural Lands in Florida Protecting Natural Lands in Florida. Econ River Wilderness Area. Split Oak Forest Wildlife and Environmental Area (Split Oak). Wekiva and Econ Rivers. These are precious natural lands that were discussed during the IDEAS For Us June IDEAS Hive discussion, “Protecting Natural Lands in Florida.” As the panelists continually express, if…

  • Water Pollution: caused by… yard-care?

    Water Pollution: caused by… yard-care?

    Many of us wouldn’t associate stormwater with pollution. Quite the opposite: When it rains, we picture the Earth’s soil nourished, depleted lakes and ponds replenished. But what we do on land—how we care for and maintain it—ultimately affects our waters. Felling trees, dumping waste, saturating crops with pesticides are but a few ways urban development…

  • Sustainable Development and Economic Growth

    Sustainable Development and Economic Growth

    One of the longest ongoing debates in the world of economic trade, politics, and human growth involves the evolution of sustainable development. What is this sustainable development? Can it create jobs? Reduce the poverty line? Or will a company go bankrupt once sustainable policies are enforced? The economy and its monetary flow are consistently used…