Search results for: “Climate Change”

  • The Unspoken Truth: Environmental Injustice

    The Unspoken Truth: Environmental Injustice

    Many of us in the United States have grown accustomed to the typical lifestyle of the 21st century, which includes daily activities such as purchasing food at the grocery store, having indoor plumbing, consistently throwing away trash and using oil for transportation and electricity.  Unaware of the impacts of these actions, we often fail to…

  • Let’s Speak Up For Our Farmworkers

    Let’s Speak Up For Our Farmworkers

    Since there are over 328 million people in the U.S, we need an abundance of food to be consistently reaching our supermarkets across the country every day. We have found ways to do so for the convenience of the majority with the help of pesticides, GMOs, and agricultural technology. However, these accessible and affordable foods…

  • Bottled Water: Friend or Foe?

    Bottled Water: Friend or Foe?

    Bottled water, a disputable topic that leaves most of us guessing. At first glance, it just seems like a convenient and accessible innovation. Look a little closer. See the truth behind these plastic wolves in sheep’s clothing. Of course, many of us grow up drinking bottled water. Whether at social gatherings, work, and even in…

  • Costa Rica Plans to Eliminate Emissions by 2050

    Costa Rica Plans to Eliminate Emissions by 2050

    President Carlos Alvarado Quesada has set out to eliminate emissions, making Costa Rica the first zero-emissions country as the threat of climate change continues to increase. Costa Rica’s small population of roughly 5 million is not a large contributor to the world’s climate crisis. Therefore, the President received backlash when he announced his ‘Zero-Carbon Plan’ back…

  • Conservation Now…There Is No Plan Bee

    Conservation Now…There Is No Plan Bee

    What Is Pollination? Pollination can be understood as a mutually beneficial process3. Simply put, pollinators are animals that transport pollen from one species of flower to the same species of another flower. This transfer of pollen between flowers allows for the reproduction of more flowers, ensuring new plants will soon grow. Not only do flowers benefit from…

  • Celebrity Environmentalists

    Celebrity Environmentalists

    Leonardo Dicaprio Actor Leonardo Dicaprio has used his renowned celebrity platform to bring awareness and public attention to the most pressing environmental issues. In 1998, he founded the Leonardo Dicaprio Foundation to combat climate change, protect vulnerable species, and propose innovative solutions. He has donated at least $30m to the cause, hoping to advance the…

  • Yes to Chocolate and No to Illegal Mining in Ghana!

    Yes to Chocolate and No to Illegal Mining in Ghana!

    Ghana is a multi-party democratic country located on West Africa’s Gulf of Guinea, where it has a tropical climate that exhibits both wet and dry seasons. It is a nation known for its diverse wildlife, old forts, and diverse ecology. In different sectors of the country, there are different crops grown of particular significance to…

  • Sponsor Environmental Action | Fund Eco-Action Projects | IDEAS For Us

    Sponsor Environmental Action Get Involved with IDEAS For Us in Orlando, FL and Volunteer in Local Eco-Action Events & Projects and Sponsor Environmental Action. watch eco-action highlights Eco-Action Projects in Central Florida Every month, IDEAS mobilizes volunteers to accomplish Eco-Action projects in Central Florida. Read below about the projects IDEAS organizes, and the five focus…

  • Ghana

    IDEAS For Us – Branches Ghana About IDEAS For Us – Ghana IDEAS For Ghana has conducted research focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) and has implemented 15 community projects and 20 youth and students innovations under the fives pillars of sustainability with an International UNLEASH Gold Water Awards and two national awards.   IDEAS…

  • Algae Bloom Crisis in Florida: Let’s Beat the Slime

    Algae Bloom Crisis in Florida: Let’s Beat the Slime

    Algae blooms have been occurring in Florida since the 1500s – when Ponce de León first discovered the Sunshine State. The only thing required for an algae bloom is the right water and wind currents. Normally, a season should only last from October to April. Recently, there have been algae bloom seasons that have lasted…