Search results for: “Global Warming”

  • Blog

    Table of Contents IDEAS For Us – Environmental Sustainability Professionals Show A to Z Topical Index A Alternative Energy Air Pollution Animal Conservation Agroforestry Adaptation Aquaculture Artificial Intelligence Access to Clean Water Awareness Campaigns Alternative Transportation B Biodiversity Biodegradable Carbon Footprint Climate Change Conservation Composting Clean Energy Circular Economy Community Gardens Corporate Sustainability C Carbon…

  • The Hardships Currently Plaguing the Developing World

    The Hardships Currently Plaguing the Developing World

    The world is facing a climate disaster, and like most global disasters, it will be the most vulnerable people that bear the largest costs. Increasing global temperatures, vast droughts, rising sea levels, and more frequent storms are all deeply troubling issues, however, the developed world will be much more equipped to mitigate the unstable landscape.…

  • Faceless Marketing And IDEAS For Us Are Advancing Environmental Action by 2030

    Faceless Marketing And IDEAS For Us Are Advancing Environmental Action by 2030

    The 2020’s have been off to a rough start. Back in January of 2020, Australia was on fire, Russia was invading Ukraine, and the risk of World War III was quickly overshadowed by the emergence of a new and deadly virus out of Wuhan, China. No one could have known that now almost two years…

  • Heat Waves in the United States

    Heat Waves in the United States

    What Causes Heat Waves? A heat wave happens when there are three or more days of unusually high maximum and minimum temperatures1. Heat waves are caused by a system of high atmospheric pressure moving into a certain area2.To be considered a heat wave, temperatures have to be outside the historical average2.  2021 Heat Waves in…

  • Coral Bleaching: Why It’s An Issue and Ways to Stop It

    Coral Bleaching: Why It’s An Issue and Ways to Stop It

    Coral reefs, the “rain forests of the sea,” are a vital part of the biodiversity seen on this planet. Because, these large structures are home to many diverse species who depend on them for survival. What is Coral Bleaching? Coral bleaching is the process of coral expelling the symbiotic zooxanthellae (algae) living in their tissues1.…

  • Environmentally Friendly Valentine’s Day

    Environmentally Friendly Valentine’s Day

    Go On a Picnic Go on an adventure in nature with your significant other. Help support a local nature park, reserve, or garden. Bring a comfortable blanket and pack your favorite plant-based meal for the two of you to share. This is a great way to support local preservation efforts and benefit from being outside.…

  • How Climate Change Can Impact Your Coffee Fix

    How Climate Change Can Impact Your Coffee Fix

    Rolling mountain slopes filled with the red cherries of coffee fill the eye. A light fog comes in, and you hear the call of birds. What do you do on a typical morning? If drinking a cup of coffee comes to mind, you aren’t alone. Americans drink 88.8 gallons of coffee per year (1). But…

  • What You May Not Know About Sunscreen

    What You May Not Know About Sunscreen

    If health experts and beauty gurus agree on one piece of advice, it’s this: Don’t leave the house without sunscreen. Especially to those living in the Sunshine State, wearing sunscreen is sacrosanct, a regimen many Floridians do without thinking. But as is the case with most personal-care products, sunscreen has fallen under scrutiny among researchers…

  • The Science Behind Solar Panels

    The Science Behind Solar Panels

    Solar power or solar energy is quickly becoming an inexpensive renewable resource. However, how do solar panels necessarily work and what are the benefits of switching from grid power to solar power? The Science Behind Solar Panels Solar energy is an ingenious discovery made in 1839 by Alexandre Edmon Becquerel. Essentially, the sun emits radiation…