Search results for: “Climate Change”

  • The Fight for Florida’s Springs

    The Fight for Florida’s Springs

    On Feb. 23rd 2021, the fight for Florida’s springs took a turn. The Suwannee River Water Management District board voted in favor of renewing a permit allowing Seven Springs Water Co. to continue pumping water from Florida springs. Seven Springs, which owns Ginnie Springs and the surrounding land, pumps this water to the High Springs…

  • Florida’s Regional Water Supply Plans

    Florida’s Regional Water Supply Plans

    “The protection of water resources is one of the most pressing issues facing our state. That’s why today I’m taking immediate action to combat the threats which have devastated our local economies and threatened the health of our communities.” – Ron DeSantis, 46th Governor of Florida, on new legislation concerning Florida’s Regional Water Supply Plans (RWSPs)…

  • Meet Our 2022 IREX Fellow

    Meet Our 2022 IREX Fellow

    What is IREX? Based out of Washington D.C., the International Research & Exchanges Board, also known as IREX, is a nonprofit organization that has focused on empowering people for over 50 years. “We strive for a more just, prosperous, and inclusive world—where individuals reach their full potential, governments serve their people, and communities thrive.” IREX…

  • Sustainable Communities Worldwide

    Sustainable Communities Worldwide

    While we’re not close to reversing climate change any time soon, we’ve all come a long way in becoming self-aware and striving to change our lifestyles to be more sustainable. In a recent study, 46% of US, China, and UK residents said that they’re doing all they can to live more sustainably. And, currently, 100+…

  • Personhood and Rights for the Environment

    Personhood and Rights for the Environment

    Did you know that animals and bodies of water can be recognized as people? According to the National Geographic, this is called personhood where legally “an entity has the capacity for rights or responsibilities.” The Case of Happy In the past, personhood rulings in the courts of the United States have related to animals. The…

  • The Sustainability of Green Laundry

    The Sustainability of Green Laundry

    Green laundry is a topic everyone should consider, whether you do all of your laundry yourself or whether you get some clothing laundered by outside services. In the face of increasingly intense climate calamities, more people and industries have acknowledged the reality of climate change and have started to “go green” within their own practices.…

  • How to Get Involved in Eco-Activism

    How to Get Involved in Eco-Activism

    Raising a family in times of climate change can often feel overwhelming. The recent COP26 conference failed to unite all nations in the fight against global warming. Meanwhile, short-sighted policies draw us ever closer to a climate disaster. Understandably, this may cause you to experience serious eco-anxiety.   However, it’s worth remembering that the fight…

  • Implementing Global Environmental Solutions to Local Issues

    Implementing Global Environmental Solutions to Local Issues

    The wonderful state of Florida is teeming with biodiversity from coast to coast, whether that be in it’s thousands of acres of swamp in the Everglades, the winding freshwater springs sprawled around central Florida, the great Ocala forest allowing for wildlife to thrive, or even the protected coastlines where thousands of sea turtles migrate to…

  • The Hardships Currently Plaguing the Developing World

    The Hardships Currently Plaguing the Developing World

    The world is facing a climate disaster, and like most global disasters, it will be the most vulnerable people that bear the largest costs. Increasing global temperatures, vast droughts, rising sea levels, and more frequent storms are all deeply troubling issues, however, the developed world will be much more equipped to mitigate the unstable landscape.…

  • How to Cope with Eco-Anxiety

    How to Cope with Eco-Anxiety

    Amidst a global pandemic, unrest in Ukraine, the challenges of climate change, and daily World News events, it’s safe to say that many of us are experiencing a growing sense of anxiety. Let’s face it: The current state of this planet can be frightening to the overall well-being of the preponderance of all generations. But,…