Search results for: “Composting”

  • Bioremediation to Clean Up Oil Spills

    Bioremediation to Clean Up Oil Spills

    Bioremediation to Clean Up Oil Spills   Bioremediation to Clean Up Oil Spills. Image source: Oil is seen leaking from the Japanese-owned bulk carrier, MV Wakashio 13. What is an oil spill? Oil spill is the release of a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into the marine ecosystem due to human activity such as tankers, barges, pipelines,…

  • 10 Sustainable Alternatives to Products Used Daily

    10 Sustainable Alternatives to Products Used Daily

    10 Sustainable Alternatives to Products Used Daily. Are you looking to make your home more eco-friendly? There are plenty of sustainable alternatives to the products you use every day to help live a more sustainable life. Switching to environmentally friendly products is easy and affordable. Here is a list of the top 10 sustainable products…

  • Environmental Action On Campus: IDEAS For Us UCF

    Environmental Action On Campus: IDEAS For Us UCF

    Environmental Action On Campus: IDEAS For Us UCF Environmental Action On Campus: IDEAS For Us UCF. Mission: nowhere does the word have more meaning than when applied to IDEAS For Us (IDEAS), the nonprofit grassroots organization working to change the way we treat our environment. According to the IDEAS website, “Our mission is to develop…

  • Biochar 101: How to Enrich Your Compost with Biochar

    Biochar 101: How to Enrich Your Compost with Biochar

    Do you have compost in your backyard and want to make it even more rich and fertile? The IDEAS Hive interviewed Lorenzo Monduy Jr, the designer and face behind My Community Compost to talk about biochar, composting, and his Gasifier invention. What is biochar?  Monduy describes biochar, or black carbon, as an “Electrocarbon sponge to…

  • 5 Easy Ways To Reuse & Reduce

    5 Easy Ways To Reuse & Reduce

    Reuse & Reduce Packaging: 5 Easy Ways  5 Easy Ways To Reuse & Reduce when it comes to packaging. In today’s consumer society, packaging materials are found everywhere. Packaging materials are used for protection, to increase the freshness of goods, or simply for promotional purposes. Nowadays, it’s hard to find a product that comes without…

  • Making the Most of Pandemic Sustainability

    Making the Most of Pandemic Sustainability

    Making the Most of Pandemic Sustainability Pandemic sustainability. The coronavirus pandemic has brought anxiety and uncertainty to so many parts of our lives, but IDEAS For Us (IDEAS)  continues its work to involve the community in sustainability action throughout everything. IDEAS Executive Director Clayton Louis Ferrara, Chief Operations Officer Lee Perry,  Chief Administrative Officer Caroline…

  • Permaculture: Closing the Loop

    Permaculture: Closing the Loop

    Permaculture: Closing the Loop Permaculture: Closing the Loop. It’s probably safe to say that most of us live similar lives in a lot of ways: we go to the grocery store to purchase stacks of packaged foods; we water our lawns; we drop cardboard boxes and bags of leaves on the pavement for the trash…

  • Vertical Gardens: Sustainability in Uganda

    Vertical Gardens: Sustainability in Uganda

    Vertical Gardens: Sustainability in Uganda Vertical Gardens: Sustainability in Uganda. As urbanization accelerates, the environment deteriorates. Farmland vanishes into urban developments. It’s only natural that food production would suffer as viable farmland is absorbed into cities and towns, but how does this impact the people who live in those communities, who rely on the food…

  • Eco-Conscious Practices From Home

    Eco-Conscious Practices From Home

    Eco-Conscious While Sheltering in Place Eco-Conscious Practices From Home. When faced with a deadly threat, humans do what comes naturally—they adapt. To the extent that history serves as evidence of how resourceful mankind can be, it is to illustrate that pandemics spark a wave of innovation relative to their impact on the daily rhythm of…

  • Circular Economy: Closed Loop Waste

    Circular Economy: Closed Loop Waste

    What Is Circular Economy? Circular economy aims to “close the loop” is an economic system that reengages waste products into resources used for new products, services, and applications. This method is an ulterior to linear economy.  Linear economy depends on single use items while circular economy aims to reuse items as much as possible. The…