Search results for: “Health and Environment”

  • Florida Deforestation Crisis

    Florida Deforestation Crisis

    Florida Deforestation Crisis Florida Deforestation Crisis. Deforestation. The word comes up all the time in conversations about climate change and environmental impact , but how much do most of us really know about deforestation and its true effect? National Geographic defines deforestation as “the purposeful clearing of forested land” (1). Countless forests have been cut…

  • The Case for Renewable Energy

    The Case for Renewable Energy

    The Case for Renewable Energy The case for Renewable energy has become a byword in the vocabulary of environmental activism, but the topic isn’t a simple one and there’s a lot to know – from the hard science to the politics that dominate the energy scene. That’s why IDEAS For Us and the Orlando Zero…

  • Your Guide to Reef Safe Sunscreen

    Your Guide to Reef Safe Sunscreen

    Your Guide to Reef Safe Sunscreen Reef safe sunscreen. Sunscreen is important to use throughout the year to protect skin from the sun. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends wearing a broad spectrum sunscreen, even on cloudy days. The World Health Organization (WHO) warns that UV radiation can pass through clouds and reflect off…

  • 5 Ways to Have an Eco-Friendly Halloween

    5 Ways to Have an Eco-Friendly Halloween

    5 Ways to Have an Eco-Friendly Halloween Eco-Friendly Halloween. If you’re like me, you practically live for Halloween, from autumn-orange yard decor and carved pumpkins everywhere to especially the heaps of candy. It’s finally the season when placing random decorations around the house is not only acceptable, but expected, and we’re all about celebrating. But…

  • The Right to Clean Water Charter Amendment

    The Right to Clean Water Charter Amendment

    The Right to Clean Water Charter Amendment The Right to Clean Water Charter Amendmen: your water, your charter, your home. If you are opting for mail-in voting, then this is already heading towards your home, even as this is being typed. For the residents of Orange County Florida, there will appear three charter amendments on…

  • Permaculture: Closing the Loop

    Permaculture: Closing the Loop

    Permaculture: Closing the Loop Permaculture: Closing the Loop. It’s probably safe to say that most of us live similar lives in a lot of ways: we go to the grocery store to purchase stacks of packaged foods; we water our lawns; we drop cardboard boxes and bags of leaves on the pavement for the trash…

  • Strategic Plan 2020+ | Societal Transformation Towards Sustainability | IDEAS For Us

    Strategic Plan 2020+ Leading the Next Gen of Environmental Action Through Strategic Planning For Societal Transformation Towards Sustainability About The IDEAS For Us Strategic Plan As IDEAS For Us has progressed since 2008, it has become clear that no country on Earth is on track to achieve the Global Goals for Sustainable Development by 2030.…

  • Eco-Conscious Practices From Home

    Eco-Conscious Practices From Home

    Eco-Conscious While Sheltering in Place Eco-Conscious Practices From Home. When faced with a deadly threat, humans do what comes naturally—they adapt. To the extent that history serves as evidence of how resourceful mankind can be, it is to illustrate that pandemics spark a wave of innovation relative to their impact on the daily rhythm of…

  • Eco-Friendly Cleaning

    Eco-Friendly Cleaning

    Eco-Friendly Cleaning Eco-Friendly Cleaning. So many of the chemicals that are used when cleaning a home daily are harmful to the environment. Regular inhalation of them can be harmful to health, also. It’s easy to make simple, environmental changes that make your life more eco-friendly when cleaning your home. There’s an addedbonus to these simple,…

  • Alternative Milk

    Alternative Milk

    Alternative Milk Alternative Milk. Since ancient times, milk has been extracted and consumed by humans. Chocolate milk has always been a personal favorite, but not with just any milk. Cow’s milk is old school, alternative milk is the up and coming health trend and could be the perfect way to start off your day and…