Search results for: “Responsible Consumption”

  • 17 UN SDGs: How IDEAS for US is Making a Sustainable Impact

    17 UN SDGs: How IDEAS for US is Making a Sustainable Impact

    Looking for ways to make a positive impact on the world? IDEAS for US is an organization that promotes sustainable practices and environmental conservation, aligning with all 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). From reducing poverty to protecting the planet, IDEAS for US works to empower individuals and communities through sustainable living practices, entrepreneurship,…

  • Pollution in Romania: Waste, Recycling, and Clean-up

    Pollution in Romania: Waste, Recycling, and Clean-up

    Pollution in Romania: Waste, Recycling, and Clean-up Pollution in Romania: Waste, Recycling, and Clean-up. In 2020, we are used to life altering headlines coming out every week. It often seems that the impossible continues to happen week in and week out. For many of us in the United States, these headlines have lately been concerned…

  • Sponsor Environmental Action | Fund Eco-Action Projects | IDEAS For Us

    Sponsor Environmental Action Get Involved with IDEAS For Us in Orlando, FL and Volunteer in Local Eco-Action Events & Projects and Sponsor Environmental Action. watch eco-action highlights Eco-Action Projects in Central Florida Every month, IDEAS mobilizes volunteers to accomplish Eco-Action projects in Central Florida. Read below about the projects IDEAS organizes, and the five focus…

  • Blog

    Table of Contents IDEAS For Us – Environmental Sustainability Professionals Show A to Z Topical Index A Alternative Energy Air Pollution Animal Conservation Agroforestry Adaptation Aquaculture Artificial Intelligence Access to Clean Water Awareness Campaigns Alternative Transportation B Biodiversity Biodegradable Carbon Footprint Climate Change Conservation Composting Clean Energy Circular Economy Community Gardens Corporate Sustainability C Carbon…

  • Innovative Solutions for Marine Conservation: IDEAS For Us and SDG 14

    Innovative Solutions for Marine Conservation: IDEAS For Us and SDG 14

    Ideas for Us: Addressing Marine Conservation and Sustainability through SDG 14 Initiatives United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14 emphasizes the need to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development. Ideas for Us, an environmental non-profit organization, actively contributes to SDG 14 through various initiatives and programs. In this…

  • Orange County Transportation Tax

    Orange County Transportation Tax

    Are you experiencing climate anxiety, too?   I don’t know about everyone else, but climate anxiety and even climate grief have been hitting me hard recently. We’ve seen some intense natural disasters this year, like monumental flooding in Pakistan and the devastating Hurricane Ian. In 2021, we saw disasters like the Colorado Marshall Fire, during…

  • Sustainable Communities Worldwide

    Sustainable Communities Worldwide

    While we’re not close to reversing climate change any time soon, we’ve all come a long way in becoming self-aware and striving to change our lifestyles to be more sustainable. In a recent study, 46% of US, China, and UK residents said that they’re doing all they can to live more sustainably. And, currently, 100+…

  • The Drought in the West

    The Drought in the West

    In recent weeks, attention has been drawn to the west as it endures a severe drought, some referring to it as a megadrought. This is when an area experiences extreme dryness for two decades or longer. According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, the western side of the United States is measured as D4- exceptional drought,…

  • Organic Farming

    Organic Farming

    Organic Farming: Your Complete Guide Organic farming: your complete guide. What is organic? The United States Drug Administration (USDA) describes organic agriculture as “the application of a set of cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that support the cycling of on-farm resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity.”1  Organic producers use only natural materials and processes…

  • Clean Energy for Orlando

    Clean Energy for Orlando

    This week, Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC) will hold two community forums, where customers will have occasion to air demands for transitioning Central Florida to clean, renewable energy. The first one will take place on Jan. 14, at Engelwood Neighborhood Center, and the second on Jan. 16, at The Pavilion at Avalon Park. OUC, the 14th…