Search results for: “Financial Sustainability”

  • Strategic Plan 2020+ | Societal Transformation Towards Sustainability | IDEAS For Us

    Strategic Plan 2020+ Leading the Next Gen of Environmental Action Through Strategic Planning For Societal Transformation Towards Sustainability About The IDEAS For Us Strategic Plan As IDEAS For Us has progressed since 2008, it has become clear that no country on Earth is on track to achieve the Global Goals for Sustainable Development by 2030.…

  • Blog

    Table of Contents IDEAS For Us – Environmental Sustainability Professionals Show A to Z Topical Index A Alternative Energy Air Pollution Animal Conservation Agroforestry Adaptation Aquaculture Artificial Intelligence Access to Clean Water Awareness Campaigns Alternative Transportation B Biodiversity Biodegradable Carbon Footprint Climate Change Conservation Composting Clean Energy Circular Economy Community Gardens Corporate Sustainability C Carbon…

  • From Awareness to Action: The Impact of IDEAS For Us on Sustainable Development Goal 13

    From Awareness to Action: The Impact of IDEAS For Us on Sustainable Development Goal 13

    Addressing SDG 13: How Ideas for Us Tackles Climate Action The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13 focuses on taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. As climate change has become a critical global issue, numerous organizations have stepped up to contribute to this goal. One such organization is Ideas for…

  • How IDEAS For Us is Undertaking SDG 1: No Poverty

    How IDEAS For Us is Undertaking SDG 1: No Poverty

    How Ideas for Us Organization is Undertaking SDG 1: No Poverty   As an organization dedicated to developing, funding, and scaling innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing environmental and social challenges, Ideas for Us has been working tirelessly to contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In this article, we will explore…

  • Why should you Propagate Sustainable Development Ideas Online?

    Why should you Propagate Sustainable Development Ideas Online?

    Sustainable development plays a vital role in any organization. As a business, you must commit to the environment and contribute towards it significantly. You can use your business channels, and social media handles to propagate different sustainable development ideas. You can create some static posts to show the criticality of sustainable development. Alternatively, you can…

  • The Silent Killer: Air Pollution in California

    The Silent Killer: Air Pollution in California

    The Silent Killer: Air Pollution in California The Silent Killer. Air pollution is the release of chemicals into the atmosphere which leads to health effects on humans and other living beings, which causes damage to the climate 1. There are various types of air pollutants: biological molecules, gases (ammonia, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrous oxides,…

  • What Is Green Banking?

    What Is Green Banking?

    What Is Green Banking? What Is Green Banking? Most people are pretty consumer-conscious when it comes to making greener buying decisions, but forget to put their money away in a bank that holds their same values. While the concept of green banking may be foreign to some, if you care about spending your money on…

  • The Case for Renewable Energy

    The Case for Renewable Energy

    The Case for Renewable Energy The case for Renewable energy has become a byword in the vocabulary of environmental activism, but the topic isn’t a simple one and there’s a lot to know – from the hard science to the politics that dominate the energy scene. That’s why IDEAS For Us and the Orlando Zero…

  • Converting Shipping Containers Into Low-Cost Homes

    Converting Shipping Containers Into Low-Cost Homes

    The problem of homelessness for low-income families occurs worldwide, regardless of whether they are in rich or poor countries. Low-income families don’t have their own resources and also have difficulty accessing credit lines from financial institutions. Some countries seek to facilitate access to subsidized funding, but there is still a portion of the population that…

  • Our Plastic Problem

    Our Plastic Problem

    Plastic bags, water bottles, straws and utensils have become an everyday convenience, especially because of their small financial costs for major corporations, but at what cost to our planet? The Ocean Conservancy organization has collected over 200 million pounds of plastic from the ocean over the last 30 years. That includes straws, plastic bags, water bottles,…