Search results for: “Species Conservation”

  • The Glory of The Gopher Tortoise

    The Glory of The Gopher Tortoise

    Why does Florida need the Gopher Tortoise? The gopher tortoise is a terrestrial turtle that is native to the Southeastern United States. They spend 80% of their time living in sandy, dry burrows. Areas such as longleaf pine sandhills, dry prairies, and coastal dunes are ideal for making burrows because they tend to be rather…

  • Sustainable Development and Economic Growth

    Sustainable Development and Economic Growth

    One of the longest ongoing debates in the world of economic trade, politics, and human growth involves the evolution of sustainable development. What is this sustainable development? Can it create jobs? Reduce the poverty line? Or will a company go bankrupt once sustainable policies are enforced? The economy and its monetary flow are consistently used…

  • Celebrity Environmentalists

    Celebrity Environmentalists

    Leonardo Dicaprio Actor Leonardo Dicaprio has used his renowned celebrity platform to bring awareness and public attention to the most pressing environmental issues. In 1998, he founded the Leonardo Dicaprio Foundation to combat climate change, protect vulnerable species, and propose innovative solutions. He has donated at least $30m to the cause, hoping to advance the…

  • Liberia

    IDEAS For Us – Branches Liberia About This Branch “Liberia is a green jewel of forests set along the shoreline of the Atlantic Ocean on the West side of the great African continent. Rich with natural resources, resilient people, with a particularly fond love of democracy, Liberia is unique as the first Democratic Republic on the…

  • Uganda

    IDEAS For Us – Branches Uganda Branch About This Branch IDEAS For Us – Uganda was the first international branch of IDEAS For Us. Originally based in Kampala, the capital city, IDEAS For Uganda has now spread to dozens of primary and secondary schools across the country where students and community members come together to…

  • Environmental Solutions Archive

    Environmental Solutions Project Archive IDEAS for Us has spread to communities around the world, engaging communities and sharing best practices for a better world. View our Environmental Solutions Project Archive. Changing The World Through Local Action IDEAS For Us (IDEAS) is active in both developed and developing nations. Every project and program we launch shares the…