Search results for: “Deforestation”

  • Paper Is Better Than Plastic: 3 Reasons Why

    Paper Is Better Than Plastic: 3 Reasons Why

    Does anyone else remember being taught in elementary school that plastic is more environmentally friendly than paper? More specifically, the idea was that plastic is infinitely renewed through recycling, and, opposingly, that trees are a nonrenewable resource. While this might sound like a valid concept, it’s far from the truth. Instead, many qualities of paper make…

  • Implementing Global Environmental Solutions to Local Issues

    Implementing Global Environmental Solutions to Local Issues

    The wonderful state of Florida is teeming with biodiversity from coast to coast, whether that be in it’s thousands of acres of swamp in the Everglades, the winding freshwater springs sprawled around central Florida, the great Ocala forest allowing for wildlife to thrive, or even the protected coastlines where thousands of sea turtles migrate to…

  • Florida: Implementing Global Solutions to Local Issues

    The wonderful state of Florida is teeming with biodiversity from coast to coast, whether that be in it’s thousands of acres of swamp in the Everglades, the winding freshwater springs sprawled around central Florida, the great Ocala forest allowing for wildlife to thrive, or even the protected coastlines where thousands of sea turtles migrate to…

  • How Ecosystem Carbon Capture Could Reverse Global Warming

    How Ecosystem Carbon Capture Could Reverse Global Warming

    The Crisis We Face And How Ecosystem Carbon Capture Can Help Ecosystem Carbon Capture may spell the end of global warming issues. Even if our society were able to completely halt greenhouse gas emissions today, the Earth would continue heating for decades.1 Numerous studies indicate an overabundance of greenhouse gases have been released into the…

  • Dangers of Palm Oil

    Dangers of Palm Oil

    Deforestation Palm oil is cheaper to produce than most vegetable oils. Since palm oil costs less to produce, plantations have been spreading across Latin America, Africa, and Asia. According to the World Wildlife Fund, “such expansion comes at the expense of tropical forests—which form critical habitats for many endangered species and a lifeline for some…

  • Environmentally Friendly Valentine’s Day

    Environmentally Friendly Valentine’s Day

    Go On a Picnic Go on an adventure in nature with your significant other. Help support a local nature park, reserve, or garden. Bring a comfortable blanket and pack your favorite plant-based meal for the two of you to share. This is a great way to support local preservation efforts and benefit from being outside.…

  • Kenya

    IDEAS For Us – Branches Kenya About This Branch IDEAS For Us Kenya was founded in 2020 by young environmental leaders from WildNow Foundation, a conservation organization in Kenya that works to advance sustainability and protect endangered species. They are using the IDEAS model to expand their environmental education and action efforts in their community…

  • Sustainable Development Progress at IDEAS For Us Guinea

    Sustainable Development Progress at IDEAS For Us Guinea

    Sustainable Development Progress at IDEAS For Us Guinea Sustainable Development Progress at IDEAS For Us Guinea. One of the greatest and most impactful ways in which IDEAS For Us (IDEAS) is moving towards environmental sustainability is through the work of our international branches. IDEAS is not just a movement for Orlando – it’s a global…

  • National Parks & Reserves in Ghana

    National Parks & Reserves in Ghana

    National Parks & Reserves in Ghana National Parks & Reserves in Ghana. Ghana’s national parks and reserves attract thousands of visitors every year. Who could resist with its diverse habitat and wide array of species? National park and reserves are vital to maintaining and protecting Ghana’s environment due to the increased level of deforestation. Whether…

  • Oil Drilling & Plastic Pollution: Environmental Awareness

    Oil Drilling & Plastic Pollution: Environmental Awareness

    Oil Drilling & Plastic Pollution: Environmental Awareness Oil Drilling & Plastic Pollution: Environmental Awareness. Introduction Environmental awareness is the first fundamental step towards environmentalism, which is the ideology that illustrates the importance of human respect, responsibility, and protection towards the Earth (1). There are thousands of environmental issues that weigh down on our Earth today.…