Search results for: “Resource Management”

  • IDEAS For US Privacy Policy

    IDEAS For Us Privacy Principles   Our mission at IDEAS For Us is to provide a world-class education for anyone, anywhere.   Our Privacy Policy is fueled by our commitment to the following Privacy Principles:   We’re deeply committed to creating a safe and secure online environment for you.   We do not sell your…

  • Rwanda

    IDEAS For Us – Branches Rwanda Branch About This Branch IDEAS For Rwanda was founded in 2017 after John Bosco Gakumba became the fifth IREX Fellow to IDEAS For Us and traveled to Orlando, Florida for a four-month immersion program from August to December of 2016. The United States Department of State specially selected him as a…

  • Uganda

    IDEAS For Us – Branches Uganda Branch About This Branch IDEAS For Us – Uganda was the first international branch of IDEAS For Us. Originally based in Kampala, the capital city, IDEAS For Uganda has now spread to dozens of primary and secondary schools across the country where students and community members come together to…

  • Nepal

    IDEAS For Us – Branches Nepal About This Branch IDEAS For Us – Nepal was founded in 2016 after Tika Ram “Santosh” Poudel became the third IREX Fellow to IDEAS For Us and traveled to Orlando, Florida for a four-month immersion program from August to December of 2015. The United States Department of State specially…