Search results for: “Health and Environment”

  • Liberia

    IDEAS For Us – Branches Liberia About This Branch “Liberia is a green jewel of forests set along the shoreline of the Atlantic Ocean on the West side of the great African continent. Rich with natural resources, resilient people, with a particularly fond love of democracy, Liberia is unique as the first Democratic Republic on the…

  • Nepal

    IDEAS For Us – Branches Nepal About This Branch IDEAS For Us – Nepal was founded in 2016 after Tika Ram “Santosh” Poudel became the third IREX Fellow to IDEAS For Us and traveled to Orlando, Florida for a four-month immersion program from August to December of 2015. The United States Department of State specially…

  • UCF

    IDEAS For Us – Branches University of Central Florida About This Branch IDEAS For UCF is an integral part of IDEAS For Us serving on the largest college campus in the nation. Our branch is a registered club of UCF that seeks to make our campus sustainable as we educate, engage, and empower our students…

  • The IDEAS Hive

    The IDEAS Hive

    The IDEAS Hive The IDEAS Hive is an interdisciplinary, inter-generational community Think + Do Tank designed to educate the public about sustainability and develop their ideas into local action projects. About The IDEAS Hive The IDEAS Hive (Hive) is an interdisciplinary, inter-generational community Think + Do Tank designed to educate the public about sustainability and develop their ideas…

  • Why Local? How Farming Locally Matters

    Why Local? How Farming Locally Matters

    On every corner of urbanized communities is a supermarket offering thousands of products and produce shipped from all over the world. While grocery stores are a convenient and inexpensive option for quick shopping, they do little to benefit the community economically and environmentally. There is also little information on where the produce comes from. It…