Author: Kirra Scudder

  • St. Johns River: Water Management Spotlight

    St. Johns River: Water Management Spotlight

    The longest river that begins and ends within the state of Florida is the St. Johns. Originating at Blue Cypress Lake, the St. Johns River meanders over 300 miles north to its terminus in the Atlantic Ocean near Jacksonville.1,2 At its southern end, the river is shallow and marsh-like, scarcely navigable by boat. As it works…

  • Paper Is Better Than Plastic: 3 Reasons Why

    Paper Is Better Than Plastic: 3 Reasons Why

    Does anyone else remember being taught in elementary school that plastic is more environmentally friendly than paper? More specifically, the idea was that plastic is infinitely renewed through recycling, and, opposingly, that trees are a nonrenewable resource. While this might sound like a valid concept, it’s far from the truth. Instead, many qualities of paper make…

  • Carl Hiaasen: 5 Books About Florida

    Carl Hiaasen: 5 Books About Florida

    The characters in Carl Hiaasen’s books aren’t real, but the issues they face are. If you are not familiar with his work, Carl Hiaasen is a Miami reporter turned author. Covering Floridian news inspired and informed his work.1 His novels are primarily set in Florida. If you are from the state, you might feel right…

  • Urban Sustainability: 3 Examples

    Urban Sustainability: 3 Examples

    Filled with people and towering buildings, urban areas might not be what comes to mind when you think of sustainability.1 Dense places have long been incorrectly associated with overcrowding, even by city planners. Density is defined by housing units per acre whereas overcrowding is measured by people per room. 2 Indeed, overcrowding can have many negative…