Day: July 6, 2021

  • Bioremediation to Clean Up Oil Spills

    Bioremediation to Clean Up Oil Spills

    Bioremediation to Clean Up Oil Spills   Bioremediation to Clean Up Oil Spills. Image source: Oil is seen leaking from the Japanese-owned bulk carrier, MV Wakashio 13. What is an oil spill? Oil spill is the release of a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into the marine ecosystem due to human activity such as tankers, barges, pipelines,…

  • Sea Level Rise in Florida

    Sea Level Rise in Florida

    Sea Level Rise in Florida Sea level rise in Florida. Sea level rise is an increase in the standard of the world’s oceans consequent to the influence of global warming 2. According to a study published in Nature Communications, by 2100 many coastal cities such as Miami, New Orleans, and Houston that are currently home…