Search results for: “Access to Clean Water”

  • Pollution, Classism, and Racism

    Pollution, Classism, and Racism

    Pollution, Classism, and Racism Pollution, Classism, and Racism. Environmental Justice In 2020 IDEAS FOR US did an interview with five panelists, Bryan Parras, Yudith Azareth, Taylor Morton, Catherine Flowers, and Kevin J Patel, who were from Zero Hour which is a youth climate activism organization. The organization believes in fighting for the right to thrive…

  • The Unspoken Truth: Environmental Injustice

    The Unspoken Truth: Environmental Injustice

    Many of us in the United States have grown accustomed to the typical lifestyle of the 21st century, which includes daily activities such as purchasing food at the grocery store, having indoor plumbing, consistently throwing away trash and using oil for transportation and electricity.  Unaware of the impacts of these actions, we often fail to…

  • Sustainable Development and Economic Growth

    Sustainable Development and Economic Growth

    One of the longest ongoing debates in the world of economic trade, politics, and human growth involves the evolution of sustainable development. What is this sustainable development? Can it create jobs? Reduce the poverty line? Or will a company go bankrupt once sustainable policies are enforced? The economy and its monetary flow are consistently used…

  • Ghana

    IDEAS For Us – Branches Ghana About IDEAS For Us – Ghana IDEAS For Ghana has conducted research focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) and has implemented 15 community projects and 20 youth and students innovations under the fives pillars of sustainability with an International UNLEASH Gold Water Awards and two national awards.   IDEAS…

  • DRC

    IDEAS For Us – DRC About This Branch IDEAS For Us DRC was founded in 2015 as the first outreach program in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The branch was founded by Daniel Mastaki, based in Bukavu but extending projects throughout the country. With a focus in advancing sustainability, the branch has led projects…

  • Nepal

    IDEAS For Us – Branches Nepal About This Branch IDEAS For Us – Nepal was founded in 2016 after Tika Ram “Santosh” Poudel became the third IREX Fellow to IDEAS For Us and traveled to Orlando, Florida for a four-month immersion program from August to December of 2015. The United States Department of State specially…

  • Blog

    Table of Contents IDEAS For Us – Environmental Sustainability Professionals Show A to Z Topical Index A Alternative Energy Air Pollution Animal Conservation Agroforestry Adaptation Aquaculture Artificial Intelligence Access to Clean Water Awareness Campaigns Alternative Transportation B Biodiversity Biodegradable Carbon Footprint Climate Change Conservation Composting Clean Energy Circular Economy Community Gardens Corporate Sustainability C Carbon…

  • Environmental Solutions Archive

    Environmental Solutions Project Archive Changing The World Through Local Action IDEAS For Us (IDEAS) is active in both developed and developing nations. Every project and program we launch shares the collective aim to help people, heal the planet, and grow prosperity at the community level through the education, engagement, and empowerment of those we serve. Since…

  • Upcycling: IDEAS & SwapCo Tackle Fast Fashion!

    Upcycling: IDEAS & SwapCo Tackle Fast Fashion!

    In today’s fast-paced world, the fashion industry has taken a big toll on our environment. The overproduction of clothing and its disposal in landfills have contributed to an alarming amount of waste, and the chemicals leached in the production of new clothing continue to pollute our waterways, among other alarming issues. It’s time for solutions…

  • Pakistan

    IDEAS For Us – Branches Pakistan Branch About This Branch IDEAS For Us Pakistan was launched in 2022 with the goal of bringing environmental action to the region of Punjab. Our branch leader and founder, Muhammad Ajlal, is working to mobilize his community in eco action projects, with a focus on the needs of his…