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Search results for: “Plant-Based Diet”
Plant-Based: From Cattle to Cauliflower
Plant-Based: From Cattle to Cauliflower Plant-Based: From Cattle to Cauliflower. At some point in our lives, we have all craved the classic American meal of a juicy cheeseburger like the one above, accompanied by crispy, golden french fries and a cold, sweet milkshake. However, the ‘burger’ pictured above does not come from a cow, but…
How to Go Waste Free to Fight Your Climate Anxiety
How to Go Waste Free to Fight Your Climate Anxiety How to go waste free to fight your climate anxiety. What do you think creates a high quality of life?Lots of money? A nice car? A big house? Do extravagant vacations make the list? In a society all about consumerism, we are taught life goals…
Protecting Sea Turtles
Protecting Sea Turtles Protecting sea turtles…how do we go about it? These are one of the ancient species, and they lived in the time of dinosaurs. Sea turtles are the oldest marine turtle was dated back to 120 million years, according to fossil fuel1. Fun Facts: Sea Turtles could hold their breath…
Table of Contents IDEAS For Us – Environmental Sustainability Professionals Show A to Z Topical Index A Alternative Energy Air Pollution Animal Conservation Agroforestry Adaptation Aquaculture Artificial Intelligence Access to Clean Water Awareness Campaigns Alternative Transportation B Biodiversity Biodegradable Carbon Footprint Climate Change Conservation Composting Clean Energy Circular Economy Community Gardens Corporate Sustainability C Carbon…
How to Get Involved in Eco-Activism
Raising a family in times of climate change can often feel overwhelming. The recent COP26 conference failed to unite all nations in the fight against global warming. Meanwhile, short-sighted policies draw us ever closer to a climate disaster. Understandably, this may cause you to experience serious eco-anxiety. However, it’s worth remembering that the fight…
Environmentally Friendly Valentine’s Day
Go On a Picnic Go on an adventure in nature with your significant other. Help support a local nature park, reserve, or garden. Bring a comfortable blanket and pack your favorite plant-based meal for the two of you to share. This is a great way to support local preservation efforts and benefit from being outside.…
Alternative Milk
Alternative Milk Alternative Milk. Since ancient times, milk has been extracted and consumed by humans. Chocolate milk has always been a personal favorite, but not with just any milk. Cow’s milk is old school, alternative milk is the up and coming health trend and could be the perfect way to start off your day and…
Sustainable Development and Economic Growth
One of the longest ongoing debates in the world of economic trade, politics, and human growth involves the evolution of sustainable development. What is this sustainable development? Can it create jobs? Reduce the poverty line? Or will a company go bankrupt once sustainable policies are enforced? The economy and its monetary flow are consistently used…