Search results for: “Conservation Easement”
Split Oak Forest: The Fight for Conservation
Valerie Anderson, a geographical information science analyst, doesn’t have a favorite area of Split Oak Forest so much as a favorite time of year: fall. The season brings scores of purple flowers to the 1,700-acre nature preserve. Garberia, Vanillaleaf, Hairy Chaffhead, Slender Blazing Star. These are just a handful that capture her interest, not only…
The Florida Wildlife Corridor
Habitat loss and fragmentation are some of the primary causes of declining plant and animal populations. The Florida Wildlife Corridor protects almost 700 different plant and animal species by conserving and connecting habitats all over the state. This includes the mighty Florida Panther, The West Indian Manatee, and the Gopher Tortoise. This blog dives into…
Protecting Natural Lands in Florida
Protecting Natural Lands in Florida Protecting Natural Lands in Florida. Econ River Wilderness Area. Split Oak Forest Wildlife and Environmental Area (Split Oak). Wekiva and Econ Rivers. These are precious natural lands that were discussed during the IDEAS For Us June IDEAS Hive discussion, “Protecting Natural Lands in Florida.” As the panelists continually express, if…
Table of Contents IDEAS For Us – Environmental Sustainability Professionals Show A to Z Topical Index A Alternative Energy Air Pollution Animal Conservation Agroforestry Adaptation Aquaculture Artificial Intelligence Access to Clean Water Awareness Campaigns Alternative Transportation B Biodiversity Biodegradable Carbon Footprint Climate Change Conservation Composting Clean Energy Circular Economy Community Gardens Corporate Sustainability C Carbon…