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The Glory of The Gopher Tortoise

Why does Florida need the Gopher Tortoise? The gopher tortoise is a terrestrial turtle that is native to the Southeastern United States. They spend 80% of their time living in sandy, dry burrows. Areas such as longleaf pine sandhills, dry prairies, and coastal dunes are ideal for making burrows because they tend to be rather… Continue reading The Glory of The Gopher Tortoise

Gardening In The City

What is Micro-Gardening? Micro-gardening is the practice of growing food in containers in order to maintain energy and space efficiency. This gardening technique is taking urban city settings by storm due to its convenience and ability to thrive in confined spaces such as balconies and small lawns. Now it is easier than ever to have… Continue reading Gardening In The City

Spring Break Beach Blues

Florida is known for its beautiful white sandy beaches, making it a hot destination for college students during spring break. Of course, the extra influx of people is a great economic boost to the cities and surrounding towns, but it’s how these students treat the beaches that have made city officials try to deter as… Continue reading Spring Break Beach Blues

Bottled Water: Friend or Foe?

Bottled water, a disputable topic that leaves most of us guessing. At first glance, it just seems like a convenient and accessible innovation. Look a little closer. See the truth behind these plastic wolves in sheep’s clothing. Of course, many of us grow up drinking bottled water. Whether at social gatherings, work, and even in… Continue reading Bottled Water: Friend or Foe?

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